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What's the point of being O+ if I can't even donate blood when it's needed?

I told Mom I wanted to donate blood to Hafsa, but she refused.

"Your blood is iron-deficient; it cannot be donated," she explained.

The more I try to help, the more I seem to mess it up. They don't know what I have done. If they'd known, they'd hate me as much as I hate myself. I wish I hadn't been so hard on her.

I had remained staunchly against Hafsa's relationship because I feared the guilt that would eat me up, but now it seems like guilt has been my fate. I had almost lost my best and only friend forever. Why couldn't I be a little more forgiving after hearing about Hafsa? Why wasn't I there for her when she really needed me? Why did I abandon her like this, knowing it was going to be difficult for her? Did I think cancer was a joke? It's entirely my fault.

Sometimes all I need is a break from myself to breathe freely; being myself can be suffocating at times. It's as if I'm trapped within myself. It's as if I'm trapped within myself. Sometimes the greatest struggle in life is being me. I wish I could escape myself.

What do you wish for when someone annoys or irritates you? You intend to strangle them. I want to strangle myself, fall down the stairs, push myself off the roof, stab myself, or do anything else. Anything that could help me escape myself; however, staying alive is, ironically, the only way out of hell, just as death is.

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