In Remembrance of Lord Patrick William Howard

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It had been 247 years since Lord Patrick William Howard and his entourage fled from Pre-World War III Planet Earth from Europe and they boarded the USS Excalibur for Star Base 10 or 12.

One day later on May 1, 2153, their lives changed forever with the beginning of World War Three and when the ECON without warning launched the first nuclear weapon and while the innocent people slept they never woke up.

When Captain Archer took the news to his passengers, he gave them this news World War III reached its peak on 1 May 2153, when nuclear weapons were detonated over London, New York City, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Mecca, Beijing and other cities. Asia was hit hardest, followed by the United States. Nearly half a billion people died in the initial blasts; Washington, DC and the surrounding three states were "blown off the map", and Earth was plunged into a nuclear winter that lasted most of the next decade. The post-atomic horror that followed severely destabilized civilization all over the world as governments fell and terrorist groups and rogue states detonated "suitcase nukes" and released biological weapons. The drug-controlled troops were used as cannon fodder in conventional ground battles after many global computer systems were sabotaged. Numerous small-scale conflicts erupted across the globe. The economy of the United States was devastated, and most of its citizens were reduced to living conditions worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s."

For two months following the "outbreak" of World War III, Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas served as the operational command center for Colonel Amber's Regimental Volunteers and was the site of the final battle of the Siege of Las Vegas.

When the extent of the devastation became clear, the remaining governments gathered in San Francisco to sign a peace accord. Even so, some wished to keep fighting, like Colonel Green and others of his ilk. After Green's death, one of his lieutenants, Colonel Adrik Thorsen, continued terrorist strikes in the name of the Optimum Movement, and by the 2170s, gained control of Great Britain."

Lord Patrick William Howard with his brother-in-law, Lord Richard Devereux and Lord John Carey listened with horror and they couldn't believe that The ECON launched the first nuclear weapon and that London, Paris, Edinburg, Stockholm, Madrid, Oslo, St. Petersburg, and so most of the European capitals had been destroyed.

Captain Archer showed him the news that he had received from The United Federation of Planets and everything that they loved had been destroyed, but Lord Patrick Willliam Howard told his entourage "We must start anew and fresh when we arrive on Star-Base 12."

While on the journey later on Captain Archer delivers the news that Flint The Immortal launches his own counteraction over the mountain of Montana where Colonel Green is hiding and he used the deadly Ebola Virus and it kills him instantly.

Lord Patrick William Howard learns that The US Army kills the the head of The ECON, Lee Kuan, and it gives them some comfort and consolation as they travel towards The Star-Base 12.

The USS Excalibur orbits around Star-Base 12 on April 30, 2159 and Lord Patrick William Howard and entourage are transported down by Shuttlecraft and much to their surprise they are greeted by their first settlers that arrived on February of 2153, three months before the onset of World War Three Planet and the first arrivals came from Pre-World War Three Planet Earth from the United States, where the war really hot heated up with demonstrators that were from for the war and from against war, and the protests and demonstrations got more violent and people were suppose to take sides even for the war or against it and they couldn't stay neutral.

One of those young couples was Phillip and Phyllis Williams who came from San Diego, California along with several other young American couples who decided not to take sides with the demonstrators .

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