A Dreadful Nightmare

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Though Sarah often is left home during the Zero Mortal Plan, she still knows about it. And, it is kinda scary...specially since you decide to watch horror movies late at night like she often does!

As she went to sleep, she saw herself walking through the forest. There, she saw a cabin...

"Hmm...this is like a horror movie..." Sarah mused to herself, looking at it.

Walking inside, her eyes widened as she saw Goku Black and Zamasu! Aren't those two the Gods who are killing all mortals in their way?!

"There doesn't seem to be many mortals on West City..." Black said.

"Indeed. We should check on North City next." Zamasu noted.

Sarah stepped back, nervously! It IS them! Man, what did she get herself into?!

However, the wood on the balcony creaked as she stepped back. It was almost imperceptible...if not for Zamasu's sensitive ears!

"Hmm...? We might not be alone here..." mused Zamasu, turning to the noise.

They turned around, only to see Sarah, in her hiding place!

An evil, creepy smile appeared on Goku Black's mouth...


"Well, well, well, what do we have here...?" Black said, the evil smirk not leaving his face.

"O...oh my God...!!!" Sarah whimpered, terrified at that.

"You are quite right, mortal. We ARE your Gods. And, unfortunately for you..." Zamasu said, before he gave an evil smile that was just as scary as Black's!


"...We deem you and your kind useless to this world. Alas, since you had the misfortune of finding us, we shall continue the Zero Mortal Plan with you..." he finished!

"N-no! You can't! I'm just a kid!" whined Sarah!

"Do NOT presume you can dictate rules to the Gods, mortal." Zamasu said, with a cold tone.

"Besides...!!!" Goku Black said, before his evil smirk increased as he transformed into his Rose form...


"You REALLY wouldn't wanna be around for what comes next, kiddo. And so, as kind and merciful Gods, we are gonna spare you from witnessing the end of all mortals by giving ya a headstart. I'll even bless you with a glimpse of this form before the end. Is it not beautiful? Be thankful, mortal, that I decided to grant a beautiful end to your existence...through the power of Super Saiyan Rosé!"

Sarah just stayed put, nervously, only for her fear to increase as Zamasu said, "But, I believe we made our point. It is time to get to work. Shall we, Black?"

"Of course, Zamasu." smirked Black!

Sarah gasped and ran away!

"Tch! Kiddo, you REALLY think you can outrun us?!" Black smirked, as he and Zamasu flew after her. 

Her escape was cut short, however, as she ended up falling from the balcony!

"Welp...that was anti climatic." Black mused, looking down as Sarah fell.

"Perhaps, but even though she is a child, we cannot give any chances. She could survive, after all, or be found by other mortals. Shall we end this together, Black?" Zamasu noted, smirking.

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