Sarah's Car Ride

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It was a day like any other. Zamasu was driving on a road with his adoptive daughter,Sarah.

Zamasu kept driving,when Sarah whined, "Zamasu,I'm hungryyyyy...."

But Zamasu shook his head,"You'll have to wait untill we arrive."

Of course,Sarah had no intention of being denied! "But I want ice cream HERE!!!" she yelled!

Zamasu sighed,trying his hardest to be patient! "There is NO food here,let alone ice cream..." he explained.

Sarah was even more annoyed at this! "No,stop at a store and get me some!" she demanded!

"NO,Sarah. We are going home,and there is that." Zamasu sternly replied!

But she began kicking the back of this seat! "NOW!!!" she demanded!

Zamasu sternly warned,"Stop this at once!" only for Sarah to say,with a naughty smirk,"I'll jump out of the window then."

"Good luck with that,since last time you put your head out of the window,I changed the car a bit." Zamasu said,with an amused smile,as he pressed a button!

The windows closed! Sarah huffed with her arms crossed.

And so the trip continued...untill Sarah pulled his ear hard,and grabbed his earring!

"Give that back,Sarah!" Zamasu warned!

"Nope,not untill you give me ice cream!" she stubbornly said!

"I shall give you a RED BOTTOM if you don't give it back..." Zamasu warned!

Sarah shook her head,"No,I want ice cream. I'll starve cause of you!"

"You will eat AFTER we get home. Now give it back...last warning!" he ordered!

"NOPE!" Sarah growled,but then gulped as he pulled the car over!

"Oooops..." Sarah groaned,then gave it back! "O-okay,here it is."

He put it back,but looked sternly at Sarah! "Too late,Sarah. I HAD IT with your tantrum..." he scolded,turning her over his lap and baring her butt!

"You're mean..." whimpered Sarah,sadly.

But Zamasu shook his head! "Mean? I seem to have told you time and again to not throw tantrums!" he scolded,landing the first spank!

Sarah yelped loudly,Zamasu had quite a heavy hand! "Oww,I-I was hungry!"

But Zamasu kept spanking,"And you know we were almost getting home. You need to learn patience!" he scolded.

Sarah was squirming as the spanks kept falling, "C-c'mon..stop!" Sarah whimpered.

"I will,once you learn." was Zamasu's anwser,as he alternated cheeks!

This made Sarah sniffle a lot! "Okokok I'm learniiing!" she whined!

"And what are you learning?" he asked,spanking all over her butt.

"WAAAAAAAHHHHH!" bawled Sarah,kicking her legs,"I won't throw tantrums!!!"

Her sitspots were then warmed. "Very well,and what will happen if you do?"

"'re gonna spank meee!" Sarah bawled,as Zamasu then helped her up in a hug.

Sarah whimpered and hugged back. As Zamasu gently rubbed her back to confort her,Sarah eventually calmed down....

"Do you feel better now?" Zamasu asked,before smiling as Sarah nodded. "Good girl." he added.

"Ice cream,now..." pleaded Sarah.

"Now,now,what have we just talked about patience? We're only about a minute away from home." sighed Zamasu.

But she gave him the puppy eyes! "P-please,dad..." she pleaded.

Zamasu sighed,"Okay,okay." he said,teleporting away,then returning to Sarah with an ice cream!

"Yaaay!" Sarah smiled,hugging him before eating her ice cream,as Zamasu softly smiled at her. All in all,the day ended well.


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