A Disaster Flight

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It was a nice day outside...which is unusual on this future. It was so nice, in fact, that Black and Zamasu decided to take a day off and drink tea on the balcony. After all, it's not like the mortals will do much besides hide at this point!

Rodrigo was with his girlfriend, Pocawatha, trying to learn how to use ki....

"Aww, darn it! I wanna fly like daddy and big bro!" Rodrigo huffed.

"Rodrigo, calm down. We're kids! We'll learn it sooner or later." Pocawatha conforted him. "And, if we don't, maybe your sister's dragon will let us take a flight once she's done..."

The two children looked up, as, high above the clouds, Sarah was cheering on Hawk's back! "Weee! Faster, Hawk! Faster!" she told her dragon.

As they drank tea below, Zamasu and Black could see the scene unfold. Zamasu sighed, loudly.

"What's up, old man?" Black asked, smirking, "You look green today."

"Quuuiiiite funny, Black." Zamasu said, rolling his eyes. "It's Sarah...."

"What about her?" Black asked. "She seems to be having fun up there."

"She shouldn't BE up there, Black, that's the point." Zamasu sighed!

"Oh, relax, will ya? She has to learn to fly sooner or later." Black said, rolling his eyes.

"This is NOT funny, Black!" Zamasu scolded. "She is not flying on her own. She's flying on her dragon!"

"Yes, she is. A Dragon that is protective and won't really drop her on purpose. Sheesh, calm down, old man." Black sighed.

"But you know that accidents can happen..." Zamasu began.

At this time, Rodrigo went to them. "Daddy, big bro?"

"Huh? What, kiddo?" Black asked.

"Did big sis learn to fly on her own?" Rodrigo asked.

"No, Rodrigo, she didn't. We had this talk before...you and Sarah are far too young to be taught to fly." Zamasu sighed, taking another drink of his tea.

This made Pocawatha alarmed, "T-then...she isn't supposed to be diving outside of the dragon, right?"

"Why, of course she isn't supposed to..." Zamasu said...before his eyes widened, and he spat the next tea sip he was drinking right on Black's face!

"GAH! Old man, watch it!" Black growled.

"Quiet, Black! Mortal, what did you just ask?!" Zamasu asked Pocawatha.

This made Rodrigo and Poca whimper!

"I-if big sis is supposed to be diving like this..." Rodrigo said, pointing to the sky...

Zamasu and Black looked up, to see Sarah diving on the sky, not on her dragon, but rather as Hawk flew next to her!

"Tch! Black, I told you this could happen! I shall rescue her before she falls to her demise!!" Zamasu said, flying there.

"Old man, come on! The Dragon is-"

But Zamasu only flew there!

"....Nevermind." Black sighed. "Kiddos, why don't you go play inside? I'm sure the old man is gonna freak out or something."

"Right. Let's go, Rodrigo. You can show me your new games!" Pocawatha said, taking his hand.

"Right, Poca, you'll love the one I got the other day!" Rodrigo smiled, going inside with his girlfriend.

Meanwhile, Zamasu caught Sarah on midair.

"D-daddy...!" Sarah gasped.

Hawk was taken off guard, but growled and flew after Zamasu after that!

As they landed, Zamasu sternly glared at Sarah.

"Sarah! I cannot believe you. How could you be so reckless?!" Zamasu growled, "Have you considered what could have happened? You could have crashed and died. There is so much I can heal!"

"Oh, come ON, daddy. You worry too much, sheesh." Sarah said, rolling her eyes.

"WHat do you mean, "worry too much?" " Zamasu demanded.

"I had everything under control, Hawk and I were practicing a new trick to show lil bro!" Sarah said, as she likes to spoil her little brother just like Zamasu likes spoiling Sarah herself!

She then huffed, "We were just doing a final practice before going to show him, but then you HAD to butt in and mess everything up. Sheesh, silly daddy."

"...!!!" Zamasu's eyes narrowed, angrly!

Black laughed. "I told ya, old man. You worry too much."

"Sarah, I shall NOT tolerate such rudeness..." Zamasu warned.

"C'mon, daddy, if anythin' I should be upset! Ya ruined my practice. But if you say sorry, I won't spank your butt!" Sarah tried to offer!

Zamasu was even more annoyed, while Black laughed loudly!

"You better listen, old man!" Black laughed. "We don't wanna see you sobbing over little Sarah's lap, right? As funny as it would be!"

"Black. Quiet." Zamasu said, his eyes narrowing.

Sarah gulped. "D..did I..push my luck...?"

"Yes, daughter. You did..." Zamasu said, grabbing Sarah's ear!

"Owwie! C'mon, old man, don't spank me!" Sarah whined.

"Do NOT call me old man!" Zamasu sighed, about to drag them inside!

But then, they heard a big noise...


Zamasu sighed, without turning around. "Black, you deal with this while I discipline Sarah."

As Zamasu dragged the whining Sarah inside, Black yelled, "DEAL WITH THIS?! Like HOW, old man?!!" he yelled, as Hawk glared at him!

Hawk began growling, and soon Black's yells filled the air...

Meanwhile, Sarah huffed as Zamasu turned her over his lap.

"You're so exaggerating, old man!" Sarah whined, "Can't I just train to show my brother some cool air tricks?"

"Because, daughter, you could have DIED." Zamasu noted, baring her bottom.

"Aww, like Hawk couldn't catch me!" Sarah whined.

"Daughter, I do NOT wish to test it. And neither should YOU..." Zamasu said, raising his hand...

"Aww, daddy..." Sarah whined, as her butt cheeks were smacked. "Owwie..."

Zamasu ignored his daughter's whining, instead focusing on the task at hand. He spanked her bottom with a firm hand, making sure to cover every inch of it. He couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and protectiveness towards Sarah.

He was proud of her abilities, but he couldn't help but worry about her safety. She was his precious daughter, after all.

Outside, Black was having a hard time dealing with Hawk. The dragon's anger was palpable, and his growls were only getting louder. Black tried to reason with him, but it was no use.

"Come on-ugh!" Black growled, as he ducked to avoid fireballs, "Will you-gah! Cut it out and LISTEN to me?!" Black yelled.

Hawk only growled and shot more fireballs!

"Gah! Stop that, you overgrown lizard!" Black grunted as he kept dodging.

Hawk growled louder at the insult.

It was at that moment that Black knew he messed up big time....

"....Oh no." Black grunted, and his yells again filled the area!

Zamasu, still spanking Sarah, heard the commotion outside. "Black, you'd better handle that," he growled, not taking his eyes off of his daughter's bouncing bottom.

"Ugh, nooo!" Sarah whined, as she felt a sting in her butt. "You're being too harsh, daddy!"

"Just be silent and learn your lesson, daughter" Zamasu grunted, spanking her harder. "You shall thank me later."

Outside, Black was beginning to regret his earlier taunts. Hawk was now flying around him in a frenzy, growling and snapping at him.

"Alright, big guy," Black said, trying to calm down. "Let's talk this through." He held up his hands in surrender, but Hawk just continued to circle him menacingly.

Inside, Sarah was bawling loudly.

"Owiweowowowow! Daddyyyyy! I learned my lesson! Waaaah, promiseeeeee!" she bawled.

"What would this lesson be, Sarah?" Zamasu demanded.

"Sob! T-to not be reckless when flying with Haaaawk!" cried Sarah.

"That is correct." Zamasu said, spanking her sitspots, "And what shall happen if you are so reckless once again?"

"Waaaaahh, I'll get spankeeeed...." cried Sarah.

And so, Zamasu gave ten harder ones, before helping Sarah up in a hug. "I believe that is enough."

Sarah sobbed and hugged him. "I'm sorry, daddyyyy...sowwy..."

"I forgive you, Sarah, but do be more careful. Remember, you could have died if Hawk or I weren't fast enough." Zamasu gently explained.

Sarah nodded, "I-I'll do safer manouvers..."

"Good. Glad we understand each other, daughter." smiled Zamasu. "Now, shall we check how Rodrigo is doing?"

"I think that dragon has other plans!" growled Black.

Zamasu raised an eyebrow,and Sarah began laughing loudly, even if her bottom was still sore, as they saw Black, annoyed, with burnt clothes!

"I see you WEREN'T able to handle things, Black?" sighed Zamasu.

"...Hawk handled ME instead..." Black said, annoyed.

Speaking of Hawk, he went to Sarah, and growled at Black and Zamasu whenever they got closer to her!

"Hawk...is DEFINITLY more protective than even you, old man..." Black huffed, then blinked as Rodrigo and Poca arrived, attracted to the noise!

"Big sis, Hawk? What's going on?" Rodrigo asked, approaching them.

"K-Kiddo! Don't do it!!!!" Black said...only to be shocked, as the dragon let Rodrigo approach, nuzzling him and Sarah!

As Sarah began explaining things, and Hawk nuzzled them (and Poca, who hesitantly joined her boyfriend), Black yelled, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! YOU BURN ME AND GROWL AT ME AND NUZZLE THE KIDDO?!!!"

Zamasu chuckled. "Well, Black, Hawk seems to be very protective...of the children, not of you!"

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