A Reckless Plan

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Sarah was leaving her house. She was a girl with a plan-a plan to make her family proud.

First, she went on her little brother's room. Little Rodrigo was sleeping still.

Sarah soon kissed Rodrigo's forehead. "Good night, lil bro." she said, gently." "When I come back, you'll be so amazed at your big sis's skills, and I'm gonna have lots of cool stories to tell ya!"

Rodrigo tensed a bit on his sleep, as if feeling big sis would be in danger...

Sarah then snuck out of the house. Her plan: to find and defeat Trunks!

Trunks always caused trouble for Zamasu and Black. If she could beat him, they'd be so happy. AND Rodrigo would also be impressed with how cool his big sis was, so that was a plus as well!

Sarah looked at Rodrigo's room again before leaving. Then, at Zamasu's, and then Black.

(Great!) Sarah thought, (All of them are sleeping!)

Sarah then tip-toed away from home, making sure Hawk didn't see her. The dragon was fortunately asleep, as Sarah left...

However, little did she know something unexpected was to happen!

Back on the cabin, Zamasu and Black opened their eyes at a LOUD bawling sound...

"Hey, kiddo! What's up?!" gasped Black, as he and Zamasu ran to Rodrigo.

"I can't find big sis anywhere...." sobbed Rodrigo, "I woke up to drink some water, and her door was open, but there was no one in her room, I'm worried..."

"WHAT?!" Zamasu and Black gasped, trying to feel Sarah's ki...and indeed not finding anything!

Meanwhile, Sarah was looking for Trunks...

"Come ON, sheesh! Where could that guy be?!" whined Sarah, looking around.

Suddenly, she blinked, as she saw some familiar purple hair...

"Okay, Mai, what we'll do is-woah!" Trunks said, suddenly ducking to avoid a thrown rock...that hit Mai, who was in front of him!

"OWW! Trunks!" Mai huffed.

"Ooops...sorry, Mai!" Trunks said, turning around to see an angry Sarah!

"Hey!" Trunks scolded, "You shouldn't throw rocks at people, kid!"

"I don't care about what you think, you, you...mortal!" Sarah yelled, "You'll pay for your sinus!"

"M-my WHAT?!" Trunks gasped, as Mai blushed!

"Don't change the subject, mortal! Your sinus!" Sarah huffed.

Still blushing, Mai sighed. "You mean your SINS, right?"

"D-don't correct me, mortal!" Sarah pouted!

"Mortal...hey! You're one of the kids that Zamasu and Black kidnapped! Thank goodness you escaped-woah!" Trunks gasped, dodging another rock, that ended up hitting Mai's arm!

"TRUNKS!!! We're SO having a talk once we get home!" Mai growled.

"Oh man..." sweatdropped Trunks. "Anyway, kid, stop with the rocks, we are friends."

"You are the enemies!!" Sarah growled, charging Trunks!

"What the?!" Trunks yelled, shocked....

Sarah tried to give her best shots. She slapped, scratched, and jumped, while Trunks kept dodging and blocking all attacks.

He was trying his hardest not to hurt the poor girl, but alas, Sarah was not making things easy for him! Eventually, he landed a huge punch when trying to defend himself...

"Gah! H-hey, kid! Are you okay?"

Sarah only held her tummy, teared up...and ran away, as she began crying!

"Hey! Come back! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" Trunks gasped.

Mai sighed. "Oh, Trunks, today wasn't your day, now was it?"

"I-I guess...you're not mad, right?" Trunks asked.

"I'm not mad." Mai said.

Trunks sighed on relief.

"....I'm FURIOUS!" Mai then added!

Trunks's eyes widened! "But Mai, I-"

Mai, however grabbed Trunks's ear and dragged him home. "Not only you punched that kid, but TWICE, TWICE I got hit by rocks you ducked or side-stepped! You need to be more careful!"

"Owowowow, can't we talk?!" gasped Trunks, as he was dragged home.

"Oh, we WILL talk. All four of us. Me, you, my hand, and your butt!" Mai growled.

It would be a LOOOOOONG night for Trunks....

Meanwhile, the crying Sarah ran back home, only to blink as she heard another crying...it could only be...

"*Sniff* LIL BRO!" Sarah gasped, running inside!

As he saw her, Rodrigo tackled Sarah into a hug, making her yelp, as he sobbed!

"Shh...there, there, calm down, lil bro...what's wrong?" Sarah gently asked, kissing his forehead to calm the younger boy down, "What you doin' up this late?"

"I...I was so worried, big sis! I went to drink water, and found your room was empty, and I didn't find you nowhere, and-" Rodrigo sobbed and fretted.

"Calm down, I'm here now. I won't worry y-" Sarah began, before her eyes widened. "S-s-speakin' of worry, if you're up...Rodrigo, tell me you didn't tell-"

"...Your father, daughter?" came Zamasu's voice, cold and stern.

"Try your brother, kiddo." growled Black.

Hawk only growled loudly...

"...Oh man...." sweatdropped poor Sarah!

"S...sorry, big sis." sniffled Rodrigo. "They heard me cry, and I asked them for help..."

"Now I'll-" Black began, going Rose, but Hawk growled at him.

Zamasu then sighed. "I shall handle this, Black. Do take Rodrigo to his room, will you?"

"Aww, come on, old man! I think she needs someone stricter than you..." Black began.


"A-all right, sheesh...come on, kiddo..." Black sweatdropped, taking Rodrigo away.

"W...will big sis be okay...?" Rodrigo nervously asked.

"Hey, with Zamasu spanking her instead of me? She'll be just fine, trust me." Black said, "But YOU need to sleep. It's way past your bedtime, ya know!"

"Y-yeah...y-you're right...." Rodrigo softly said.

"Now as for you...." Zamasu told Sarah, grabbing her ear.

"OWWWW! Hawk, please, save me!" Sarah said.

But the Dragon shook his head. Clearly Hawk thought Sarah deserved it, for worrying him and Rodrigo!

...Yes, Hawk clearly did NOT care much for Zamasu or Black for that matter.

"Aww, come ON, Hawk!" Sarah whined, as Zamasu dragged her to a chair! "Owowowowowie..."

Zamasu turned her over the knee, baring her butt. "Enough whining, Sarah."

"But you're overreacting, old man..." Sarah whined, "I just wanted to help..."

"Indeed, but all you managed to do is to get hurt and worry everyone, correct?" Zamasu asked, raising an eyebrow.

He then made an paddle appear on his hand, which made Sarah gasp!

"A-a-a-a PADDLE?!" Sarah whined!

"Indeed," Zamasu said, giving her butt a light swat. "This is what you get for the trouble you caused, daughter." He took a deep breath, preparing himself for what was to come.

"D-daddy, come on! It wasn't that-"

but Sarah's whine was interrupted by the first smack!

"OWWWIEEEEEE!!!!" Sarah yelped.

But Zamasu kept spanking. "I hope you are learning a lesson from this, daughter." he said.

"Owwie, ouch, oww, old man, I'd, owwie, learn best without the paddle..." Sarah whined.

Zamasu sighed, as he kept paddling. "That is NOT your choice to make, daughter."

Sarah let out a loud yelp, as the spanking continued, making her cheeks burn and her tears flow. "Aaah, owww, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please, daddy, stop!"

But he didn't. He continued, determined to teach her a lesson. "You should have thought about the consequences before acting so recklessly." he said. "You almost died. Do you know how worried we were? And how upset Rodrigo was?"

With each smack, Sarah let out a cry of pain and plea for mercy. SHe let out a shuddering sob, feeling completely humiliated and ashamed. She couldn't believe she had actually tried to help, and now she was getting spanked for it. "I'm sorry, I really am..." she sniffled.

"Well, daughter, what would you be sorry for?" Zamasu asked, spanking all over her bottom.

"F-for worrying everyone?!" yelled Sarah, crying.

"That would be correct. What shall happen if you do so once more?" he asked, spanking her sitspots.

"WAAAAAHHHHH!!!! You'll spank meeeeeee!!!" Sarah bawled.

Zamasu finished. He made the paddle vanish, and helped Sarah up...but...

"SARAH!!!!" Zamasu gasped, for Sarah jumped away from his arms and ran away!

Sarah jumped on Hawk's back!

The dragon growled in confusion, but she only sobbed, "C-come on, Hawk, fly! I gotta be away for a while!"

Hawk raised an eyebrow,but sighed and flew away, getting past Rodrigo and Black on the process!

"B-big sis, wait! I wanna fly on Hawk, too! Sides, ya just got back, I don't wanna you to go away again!" the little one pleaded, but Black held him.

"Now's not the time, kiddo. It's way past your bedtime, remember? I'll keep ya company, Zamasu'll bring her back."

"B...but big bro..." Rodrigo groaned, "What if big sis needs me?"

"Hey, kiddo, your big sis wouldn't wanna you exploring out there, tired, past your bedtime, and in the dark, now would she?" Black tried, guiding Rodrigo to his room.

Rodrigo yawned. "I guess so..." he said.

"Great! Then it's settled. Off to bed with ya!" Black said, before Rodrigo changed his mind!

Meanwhile, Zamasu went to look for Sarah...but as night went on, he couldn't find her anywhere.

"For the love of...where could she be...?" Zamasu wondered.

Soon, however, he saw Hawk!

"Hawk! It is you!" Zamasu said!

Hawk only growled at Zamasu....

"Where is Sarah?" Zamasu asked.

The Dragon raised a wing, showing Sarah sleeping under it.

"Good, she's fine..." Zamasu said, going to pick her up. But Hawk wasn't having it....

As the dragon bared it's teeth, Zamasu sighed, "Come, now. We need to take her home before she gets a cold!"

But Hawk shook his head with a growl!

"Ugh...quite stubborn, are we?" Zamasu said, then shot him the glare.

Hawk replied with a glare of his own!

Zamasu sighed, "Fine, you troublesome dragon. I shall wait for her to wake up." he said, floating in a meditative position.

Hawk growled, but Zamasu only closed his eyes, focusing on Sarah's energy. "Do not waste your time, Hawk. I have no intention of leaving."

Hawk rolled his eyes and huffed, as he went back to sleep!

Once Sarah woke up, Zamasu opened his eyes, leaving his meditation. "Hello, daughter."

"D-daddy?!" Sarah gulped, "H-how did ya find me?"

"Now, Sarah, we have done this song and dance before. You can't hide from me." Zamasu firmly said, "Have you calmed down now?"

"Y-yeah. But, daddy, you were unfair. I tried to help you and big bro, and you still spanked me..."

"You DO realize that you could die?" Zamasu asked.

"Di-d-die?! Trunks wouldn't! Would he?!" Sarah whined!

"I wouldn't put it past a mortal, but you could still die. A stray ki blast, a harder than meant punch, a-"

Sarah began sobbing...

"...Ahem. Not to mention how you worried us all. Black, me, and, of course, your little brother." Zamasu added.

Sarah sobbed, and tackled her father on a hug..."I'm sorry, daddy! I won't worry you guys again!"

"That would be all I ask, daughter." smiled Zamasu, gently.

Hawk growled at Zamasu, but Sarah, rubbing her eyes, said, "Down, boy! Daddy's good now."

Hawk snorted but glared at Zamasu, and Zamasu glared back at him. Sarah finally laughed at that!

"Oh, man..." she snorted, "You two are SO funny!"

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