Dimensional Trouble

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One day, Sarah woke up. Little did she know, she wasn't on the dimension she was familiar with... Going downstairs, Sarah yawned, going to the kitchen. She looked around...Rodrigo didn't seem to be there. (Man...must be sleeping still.) she thought.
"We are drinking. Wait for your turn to eat breakfast!" Zamasu scolded, stern. This made Sarah raise an eyebrow in clear confusion! "What the heck, old man?" she asked, "Did ya wake up the wrong side of bed this morning or what?" This made Zamasu glare at Sarah, and before she knew it, she got a spank! "Do NOT call me old man." he scolded! "Owwww!" Sarah whined, sniffling, before she protested, "B-but Black calls you that all the time!"
"Yeah, because you are-" Black began, and got a spank! "What the Hell?!"
"That applies to you BOTH, Black." Zamasu huffed!
This made Sarah chuckle! "I think Zamasu changed moods today. Don't you think so, big bro?" she asked Black.
"Big bro? What the hell you talking about, kiddo?" Black asked.
This made little Sarah tilt her head! "What do you mean? I ALWAYS called you that!" she said, confused.
"Since when you called me that? I think YOU woke up from the wrong side of the bed. Ahh, I had enough. I'm going to train." huffed Black, leaving the cabin!
"What the Hell is going on..?" Sarah mumbled, but then sighed. "Ugh, FINE! I'm gonna fix breakfast myself!" As Sarah went to grab cereal in a cabinet, Zamasu coldly warned, "Just do NOT make a mess." This made Sarah huff as she poured a bowl of cereal. "You might need to go to a hospital, Zamasu. You're acting so ODD!" she grumbled.
"You are the one acting weird, Sarah." Zamasu noted. This made Sarah's eyes widen! "ME?! First you say I can't eat, then you get all mad when I call you old man, next Black leaves when I call him big bro! What's next, you'll spank me when I call ya daddy? Sheesh!" This outburst made Zamasu raise an eyebrow... "....Sarah, are you feeling well? You never called me daddy." he said! "Okay, Zamasu, VEEEERY funny. You and Black are trying to prank me, aren't you? Well, joke is over!" Sarah huffed.
"I am thinking you are the one trying to prank us. Whatever is your prank, you better stop." Zamasu said! "I AM NOT PRANKING YOU!!!!" Sarah yelled!
"Do NOT yell at me!" Zamasu said, giving her a glare even scarier than her daddy's! This Sarah, spoiled by the Zamasu in her dimension, teared up...and then began bawling!
"Stop bawling! You are a Goddess In Training, you need to be strong if you are to thrive!" Zamasu scolded! "Waaaaahhh! You are a mean old jeeerk...I wanna the old Zamasu baaack! WAAAAAHHHH!!!!" bawled Sarah.
"I was always this way!" Zamasu scolded. "THEN I HATE THIS ZAMASU! WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Sarah bawled even louder!
"What has gotten into you...?" Zamasu humphed.
Meanwhile, on Sarah's original world, another version of herself, having switched dimensions with the original Sarah, sat at the couch nervously waiting for her turn. She didn't know she could eat with Black and Zamasu.
"What has gotten into you, kiddo? Your food'll grow cold." Black said.
"Indeed, daughter, take your seat." Zamasu said. Sarah smiled nervously, and shook her head. "I...I'll wait until you're done, Black, Zamasu." she said.
"What with the sudden respect? I ain't buying you any new games, kiddo, you can bug the old man." Black huffed!
Zamasu sighed in annoyance, "Oh, very well, daughter. How much is the game this time?"
"W...what is a game?" Sarah asked, "And w...why are you calling me daughter, Zamasu?"
Black and Zamasu looked at each other, raising an eyebrow!
"Did you have another bad dream?" Zamasu asked.
"Please, oh PLEASE tell me I didn't kill you in your nightmare this time. Last time we spent the whole night trying to get you to realize a dream is just a dream..." Black said! "N...no, not this time..." Sarah whimpered.
At this time, Rodrigo yawned as he went in. "Mornin', big sis..." he said, hugging Sarah!
This made Sarah jump back and gasp! "Huh, another child mortal?!"
Rodrigo blinked. "Ehh, somethin' wrong, big sis?" he asked, surprised!
"W-where did you COME from?!" Sarah gasped. "Huh, I don't really get it, big sis..." Rodrigo said, scratching his head. "I mean, I was too young when I got here, I think?" "Z-Zamasu, didn't you say you had killed every single mortal?!" Sarah asked, going to the balcony, only to realize things aren't as destroyed as she expected!
"Huh? No, not yet, but we are working on it." Zamasu said.
"A few mortals like to play hide-and-seek, but no worries, they won't hide for long, believe me!" Black laughed!
Rodrigo, however, wasn't laughing at all...
"Big sis, it's me, Rodrigo. Why are ya treatin' me like that?" he asked, as the big sis who spoils him was treating him weird! "I-I never met you before, kid!" Sarah told the younger boy, then groaned, "Okay, this has GOTTA be a dream..."
"....." Rodrigo sniffled and teared up!
Sarah sweatdropped, unsure of what to do. She never comforted someone before! So she whimpered, "Z-Zamasu, are you guys pranking me? It's not funny..."
Rodrigo began sobbing! "Big sis, that's not funny!"
"Oh, now look what ya did. You spoil him all the time, and now say these things!" Black said, rolling his eyes.
"Daughter, maybe you need more sleep." Zamasu said, a bit confused at the way she was acting! Sarah began getting irritated! "I don't NEED sleep, and stop calling me that!" she growled to Zamasu, and then asked Black, "And what are YOU talking about, you overgrown dumb Saiyan?!" Still whimpering, Sarah backed away in fear, close to the balcony. Rodrigo was just bawling LOUDLY at how his idolized big sis was treating him, leading Black to sigh and hug the poor kid! Zamasu, however, noticed the danger...
"Daughter, wait, come closer! You're near the edge!" Zamasu said!
"J-just stay away, whoever you are!" Sarah demanded, but gasped as she lost her footing and fell from the balcony!
"BIG SIS!!!" Rodrigo gasped!
"Sarah, no...!" Zamasu also gasped!
"Tch, kiddo, REALLY now?!" Growled Black, as he used Instant Transmission to save her!
Sarah whimpered. She had her eyes closed, so she didn't look...but she felt she fell on someone's arms. Black flew up with Sarah, then.
"A-am I dead?" Sarah asked, without opening her eyes.
"Well, you're alive...but not thanks to you, kiddo." Black said!
Sarah then opened her eyes. "W-wait...you saved me?"
"Well, duh, you basically threw yourself outside the balcony, someone had to save you from going splat..." Black said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world! "B-but you hate me, Black!" Protested Sarah, "Y-you always said that if you had been the one to find me first instead of Zamasu, you'd have blasted me to ashes..."
"....Kiddo, I NEVER said that." Black said, surprised!
"Sarah, something is up with you, daughter..." Zamasu noted.
"W-why do you keep calling me daughter, Zamasu? L-last time I called you daddy by accident, you spanked me with ki..." whimpered Sarah.
"Big sis, you're scaring me..." Rodrigo said, ready to cry again!
"Sarah, try to remember, I NEVER did this, and Rodrigo there is the little brother you like to spoil. You like video games." Zamasu said! "S-Spoil?" Sarah asked, confused, "A-and I don't even know what video games even ARE!"
"...look, after your spanking for almost killing yourself, you eat your dinner, then it's straight to bed so you can recover after a nice rest, daughter." Zamasu decided!
"B-but Zamasu, I don't need rest, what's wrong with you?" Sarah whined.
Rodrigo hugged Black, sobbing! "B-big bro, do you think big sis'll be okay?" "Rodrigo...I honestly don't know, kiddo." Black admitted.
Rodrigo still sobbed as he hugged Black! "I wanna my big sis back..." "You will, kiddo. I hope..." Black said, sighing, hugging Rodrigo as he sobbed on his arms. As Rodrigo sobbed himself to sleep on Black's arms, Black put the little boy to bed. Meanwhile, Zamasu was taking Sarah to the spanking chair.
"Z-Zamasu?" sniffled Sarah. "Well...first we have to deal with you almost killing yourself, remember?" Zamasu noted to Sarah. Sarah whimpered, then sniffled as she asked, "Do you want me to get the belt then, Zamasu...?"
"No, the hairbrush shall suffice. And what's gotten into you? You only call me daddy..." Zamasu sighed.
Sarah shook her head nervously. "Would you let me call you that? I-I mean, without getting mad?"
"Of course. Now, over my lap." Zamasu said, patting his lap. As she went over his lap, Sarah whimpered, sniffling. Zamasu then bared her bum, and the first spank fell! "Oww, da-Zamasuuuu!" whined Sarah.
"Daughter, do you realize you could have died?!" Zamasu scolded as he kept spanking. "Oww, n-no, cause Black caught me, remember?" whimpered the sniffling Sarah.
"Well, what if he didn't Instant Transmission in time?" Zamasu noted, as he alternated cheeks!
Sarah began bawling at that! "WAAAAAAHHH!!!! Daddy Zamasu, I'm sowwwwyyyyyy!"
Zamasu smiled at this!
But then he looked serious, "Why you earned this spanking, daughter?" he asked, spanking all over her bum. "Waaaahh, c-cause I almost went splat from falling from the balcony, daddyyyyy!!!" bawled Sarah.
"And what'll happen if you aren't more careful?" he asked, spanking her sitspots.
Sarah cried harder as her throat even started to hurt. "WAAAAAAHHHH!!!! YOU'RE GONNA SPANK ME, DADDYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!" Zamasu then stopped and hugged her. Sarah didn't hug back, not used to it, which confused Zamasu, but he kept hugging. Black then arrived back in the cabin, holding two Happy Meals, one for her, one for Rodrigo! "Look what I got ya, kiddo!" Black smirked, sure this would make Sarah feel better, but she just shook her head, "N-no, thanks..."
This got Zamasu way more worried! "Sarah, you love these!"
"E-even if I do, I'm not hungry..." Sarah mumbled. Black's own eyes widened in worry... "Old man, I can't believe I'm saying that, but, you might need to get Sarah checked. I mean, even when she gets sick, she NEVER turns down a Happy Meal!"
"I agree, we need to get her to a hospital." Zamasu said!
Sarah didn't react at all, shocking Black and Zamasu even more! Which made them decide she NEEDED hospital and needed it NOW! Zamasu and Black got more worried by the minute, as Sarah was confused and didn't react at all during the drive. Soon they got to the hospital, and the Doctor examined Sarah. The doctor sweatdropped at Zamasu and Black's faces, though...
"Well, Doctor?" Zamasu asked! "Z...Zamasu...I don't...see anything wrong with her..." the doctor admitted.
"What do you mean? She changed her personality out of the blue!" Black noted!
"W-well, Black, after killing innocent people for a while in front of a child, these things happen..." the doctor replied, hoping Black and Zamasu would give up killing mortals!
"Could it make her lose parts of her memory, as well?" Zamasu asked, to clarify. "She seems to have forgotten her adoptive brother, and mention us saying or doing things we never did to her or even around her."
This confused the doctor. "No...if she's losing her memory, then something IS seriously wrong..." he admitted.
"Yes, she does seem to be losing parts of her memories. She didn't want her favorite food, forget how we called her, and most importantly, she forgot the little brother she used to spoil!" Zamasu explained. The doctor was shocked as he heard that! "I never heard something about this before..." he said, then rubbed his chin. "Hmm...well, I could give her a shot that has a bit of energy. It might help her..."
"Very well, let's hope it works. Black-" Zamasu began.
"Way ahead of you, old man." Black said, holding Sarah so she won't run from the shot!
"W-what are you holding me for, daddy, Black?!" Sarah whimpered, as the doctor got the shot ready.
"So you won't run away from the shot the doctor will give you for your own good, daughter." Zamasu explained.
"W-why would I run?" she whimpered, her eyes watering as she got the shot.
"You weren't gonna run?!" Black asked, shocked!
"N-no..." whimpered the girl, sniffling and rubbing her arm.
Black now was desperately hoping this shot works! Sarah huffed and looked annoyed at Black, before slapping him and leaving his room!
And Black and Zamasu were so utterly flabbergasted at that!
As Sarah walked to the exit of the hospital, the doctor chuckled. "Now that's something I don't see every day..." Still, a glare from Black quickly made the doctor go all "S-s-sorry..."
Sarah smirked as she pulled the fire alarm. This made the water sprinklers go off everywhere!
"Oh, for the love of....didn't I spank her just today?!" Zamasu growled, going after Sarah!
Sarah smirked at him, as she had a can of spray paint besides his car.
"Don't come any closer, or the car gets it!!" Sarah warned!
Zamasu raised an eyebrow! "Suppose you DO spray my car. What would stop me from taking you over my knee right here after you are done, daughter?" he asked!
"H-huh...well...it's obvious, elf! I mean...I would...ya see..." Sarah said, taken aback by the question! "...."
"...." An unamused Zamasu sighed. "You have no idea, do you?"
"...No. No, I don't." Sarah admitted, blushing, but then humphed and used her claws to pop the car's tires! Black whistled! "Oooh boy. Someone's in trouble..." "...." Zamasu looked at the tires, and at her. "There, I didn't paint the car. You happy now?" Sarah asked, smirking, as she tried to leave!
Zamasu teleported in front of Sarah!
Sarah whimpered, jumping back as she gave him the finger and hit him hard! "Get away from me!!" she growled. But Zamasu seemed unaffected by the attack!
"Immortal, remember?" Zamasu asked her, raising an eyebrow!
He then grabbed her ear!
"Owww!" she yelped as she tried to get away, "Black, HELP!!"
"Hey, kiddo, YOU are the one who pushed your luck!" Black said, shrugging as Zamasu took her to the car and then over his knee!
Sarah growled, squirming and kicking him. "Lemme go, you ELF!!"
"I just let you go...over my lap!" Zamasu said! SPANK!!!
"Y-you stupid jerk!!" she yelped, biting him.
"That is NOT helping your case, daughter!" Zamasu said, wincing for a split second before continuing the spanking!
Sarah cried, sniffling as she covered her butt. "LET GOOOO!!"
"With pleasure....when I think you're learning something, I mean!" Zamasu said, alternating cheeks.
"Whaaaahhh you're mean! You hate me! Sarah, still not noticing she was in another dimension, bawled!
"If we hated you, you'd have gone "splat" earlier, don't you think so?" Zamasu asked!
"You doooo!!" Sarah said, bawling louder and not knowing this Zamasu was soft and spoiled them!
"Really, now, how many games I bought you guys, or how about when Rodrigo and you sleep on my bed?" Zamasu asked, spanking all over her butt!
Sarah keeps bawling, as she asked, "W-what are you talking about?! Just stoooop! WHAAAAHHHHH!!!!"
"Then what are you learning?" he asked!
"OK! Ok, I won't bite you or pull fire alarms!!!" Sarah cried.
"And what shall happen if you do these things?" he asked, spanking her sitspots to end!
"Whaaaahhh you're gonna spank meeeee!!" Sarah bawled!
And he finally helped her in a hug!
But, in surprise, Sarah growled angrily as she slapped him hard, and stabbed him with a scalpel!
Zamasu and Black's eyes widened in shock as Sarah did this out of the blue! Sarah grumbled, scared a bit, as she took the chance to back away.
"It would seem you haven't learned yet...." Zamasu said!
Sarah just growled and ran into the woods. "I don't think that's Sarah, old man. Well...not OUR Sarah, at least." Black said, worried. "Hm. An imposter, perhaps?" Zamasu mused. "Maybe! What if we call Fu? He might know." Black noted. "Hm. Indeed, that is a solid plan." Zamasu noted. But then, Black smirked and laughed, "That's the first time you got slapped, old man. And by a KID!"
"...Don't push your luck, Black." Zamasu huffed!
Black quickly shut up! "F-fine, old man..." Then, he used Instant Transmission, only to see Fu's lab a wreck! "What do you mean, you're still working on it?! Work harder, you dork!" Sarah yelled. "What the hell is going on here?!" Black demanded. "Oh, great, not you again." Sarah said, "Fu here was playing with a time machine, and it messed up with time and DIMENSIONS! That's how I got here!" "You did WHAT?!" Black growled at Fu! Fu sweatdropped. "I-it was an experiment that went tottaly wrong, so get your kid and-" "She clearly ISN'T our kid, and you will help us get OUR Sarah back! But first...!" growled Black, turning Fu over his knee!
"Black, you can't be serious, come on!" Fu whined. "Is THAT serious enough?!" Black said, baring his butt!
"Do not glare at me. I am already angry enough..." Zamasu scolded Sarah, who was glaring at him. Sarah only huffed and looked away! "B-Black, c'mon!" whined Fu, "I-I won't help you if you spank me, so LET GO!!"
"On the contrary, you WILL help us, because if you refuse to clean your mess after your spanking, you'll find out what Rose feels like!" Black scolded, as he landed the first SPANK!
"OWWW! Y-you old jerk!" Fu yelped loudly.
"Do you REALLY wanna insult me right now?!" Black warned, as he kept spanking! "N-no! I want you to stoooooop!" whimpered Fu, sniffling.
"Then you need to first learn your lesson." Black said, alternating cheeks. Fu whimpered, and began crying! "I-I am! I aaaam! That kid is a monsteeeeeeeeer!" he bawled. "I won't mess with dimensions agaaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnn!!!"
"And what will happen if you EVER mess with dimensions again?!" he demanded, spanking all over the butt! "Waaaaah, you'll spank meeee...now stoooooopppp!!!" bawled Fu! "Hahaha! What a baby!" chuckled Sarah.
Black gave three last ones to the sitspots, then helped Fu up in a hug.
Fu huffed and sniffled, as he hugged it back!
"You DID cry when I spanked you, however." Zamasu told Sarah! "No, I didn't!" Sarah huffed, "Now take me home!"
"You did, and you shall cry more if you don't quiet down and wait for Fu to send you home." Zamasu said.
Fu huffed, and covering his bottom, he actvated a lever, making a portal. Jumping in, he tossed that Sarah into a couch! "Hey! What the heck?! You dork, be careful!" the alternate Sarah growled. "Oh, shut up!" Fu said, rolling his eyes as he found the other Sarah, bringing her through the portal! And Zamasu wanted to make sure it was her.
"Daughter, anwser me. Who is your little brother?"
Sarah blinked, confused. "Isn't it obvious?" she asked, "My little brother is Rodrigo, who else?"
"Then you are the right Sarah. Thank goodness, the poor boy cried himself to sleep when the other Sarah acted the way she did to him..." Zamasu sighed, hugging her! Sarah laughed and hugged Zamasu and Black! "I'm so happy to be home! The Zamasu and Black on that other dimension were so mean, and their Sarah probably was just as mean! They mistook me for her..."
"Well, good riddance!" Black huffed, "No offense, but sheesh, she might deserve the us she has!"
"Black, don't talk like this in front of Sarah." Zamasu said, rolling his eyes! "Anyway, let's get you home, your brother might be sad still when he wakes up." This made Sarah smile! "Oh yeah! I missed my lil bro so much. But MAN do I have lots of new stories to tell him!" she giggled, "Can we go to Mc Donalds? Pleeeeeassseee!" Zamasu smiled. "Yes, we can." he said. "Oh, oh, and maybe Black and me can go to the gas station get more candy to celebrate my return all night!" Sarah tried.
"Do not push your luck." smiled Zamasu!
And soon, they got back home, Rodrigo was sniffling on his room! Sarah smiled and went to Rodrigo, hugging him tightly! "Hello, little bro!"
Rodrigo gasped! "Big sis?! You're you again?!" he asked! "Yep! By the way, daddy got this for us." smiled Sarah, giving Rodrigo a Happy Meal! Rodrigo then hugged her tightly! "Big sis! I missed you, don't forget me never ever ever again!!!" he said, cutely!
Sarah hugged him back. "I could NEVER forget you, little bro." she gently told him, smiling.
And this made Rodrigo truly happy once again!

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