A New Nightmare

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Sarah locked the door to her room. She was eager to see the Freddy Krueger movie,"A New Nightmare". But it was a very scary movie!

The poor girl was shaking like a leaf as the movie ended! She took the movie out and left the room.

Unfortunately,Zamasu didn't have trouble noticing how nervous she was! "Sarah,what's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing,really!" Sarah said,giving a nervous smile.

But Zamasu didn't buy it! "You look nervous. C'mon...out with it." he said.

But his adoptive daughter only shook her head and went to get some water to drink.

Zamasu kept watching his daughter,however,wanting to figure out what was wrong.

How surprising it was to see her drinking coffee!

Zamasu's eyes narrowed,"What are you drinking coffee for,Sarah?" he asked,behind her!

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Sarah yelled,dropping the cup and breaking it into pieces!

Zamasu sighed at this,using his powers to restore it.

"Go away,sheesh! You scared me!" Sarah huffed at him!

"Oh,really? And why,pray tell,are you so scared?" Zamasu asked,raising an eyebrown.

"I am NOT scared!" huffed Sarah!

Though,since it was QUITE clear she was,in fact,scared,her father scolded her! "Don't lie,Sarah!" he warned!

"Leave. Me. ALONE!" Sarah growled,angrly.

"And don't yell,either." Zamasu ordered!

"It was getting late. 7:30,the phone rang,and Sarah yelled,"Don't pick it up!"

"Now,don't be silly,Sarah." Zamasu said,as he picked up the phone.

"One two!" a voice sounded on the phone.

This made Zamasu raise an eyebrown! "What exactly do you mean by that?" he asked.

"Freddy is coming for her!!!" the voice came from the phone,making Sarah sweatdrop!

"Whoever this Freddy is,shall NOT touch Sarah!" Zamasu firmly said!

But the voice just laughed demonically and replied,"3,4, she better lock her door!!!!"

"Sarah,what's going on here?!" Zamasu demanded of her.

"Uuuuummmmm...." Sarah hesitated,"I dunno...."

"Really...?" he asked,raising an eyebrown. Obviously he thought she was hiding something!

She nodded,making Zamasu sigh!

"Anyway,it's time for bath." Zamasu said.

This made Sarah's eyes widen! "NO WAY IN HELL!!!!!" she yelled,running to her room!

"Sarah! Do NOT begin!" Zamasu scolded,chasing her!

Inside her room,Sarah was silent as a mouse!

However,Zamasu kept looking for her...

Sarah was hiding on her closet. But then,she heard Freddy behind her!

This made her scream and run out...into Zamasu!

"Finnaly!" Zamasu noted,as he picked her up!

And Sarah squirmed hard! "No! No,I won't take a bath,I'll drown!" she whined!

But Zamasu shook his head,"You won't drown,don't be silly!" he said,as he took her to the bathroom!

And she wimpered,trying to hold to the doorway!

But Zamasu soon was able to get her inside.

"n....NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" yelled Sarah!

But Zamasu got her naked for her bath.

Sarah tried to run out,but was put on the bathtub!

She squirmed then,kicking nervously!

"Stop misbehaving!" Zamasu scolded as he put her on the bathtub,"You won't drown!"

Sarah screamed and punched him,trying to escape!

Due to Zamasu's immortality,however,he was not affected by it,as he began cleaning her.

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