A TRUE Battle of Gods!

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Rodrigo and Sarah were playing on the living room when Zamasu and Black entered. They noticed something weird, however.

First, Black and Zamasu seemed to not be on the same room often.

Second, they didn't even drink tea together.

And third, they seemed to discretly be trying to get both kiddos to like one more than the other!

"Big sis, what's wrong with daddy and big bro? They seem to dislike each other now..." Rodrigo asked, worried.

"Don't worry, lil bro. I'm sure they are just being silly." Sarah said, patting Rodrigo's head. She didn't want to worry him, after all.

"B...but, but it has been so long since they last fought like this...I don't know if this is normal, big sis..." Rodrigo mumbled.

"Don't worry, lil bro. You'll see, everything'll be fine." smiled Sarah.

"P...promise, big sis?" Rodrigo asked.

"Yeah, I do. Now then, how about ya play video-games for a while and I'll go talk some sense in our silly big bro and daddy?" Sarah asked.

"Kay, big sis. But be careful, kay? Somethin's up, I feel it." Rodrigo said, hugging her!

Sarah couldn't help but have an "Awwww..." kinda face as her little brother did this!

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be careful. Now hop to your video games." Sarah smiled, giving a playful spank to get Rodrigo moving!

Rodrigo finally giggled, "Okay, sis, I'm going!"

Sarah smirked as Rodrigo went off to play, then sighed. "Now, then, to go talk with these two grumpy old men..."

Speaking of said "grumpy old men", Zamasu and Black were arguing...

"Zamasu, we'll NEVER end all mortals at such a slow pace! We should simply release a shower of ki blasts to get the small fry out of the way, and then deal with Trunks!" Black growled.

"Too reckless, Black. Rodrigo or Sarah could get caught in the crossfire, not to mention the damage it would do to the plants and animals. Remember, Black, the Zero Mortal Plan is to get rid of people like Trunks and the weak mortals, not to end completely the gifts the gods granted the planet." Zamasu said. "You are too wrathful. This is about justice: Not vengeance."

"If you weren't spoiled by your immortality, you wouldn't think this way. You are becoming complacent, Zamasu." Black growled.

"And you hunger for battle far too much. This mortal body you took is making you act just like a mortal." sneered Zamasu, distaste evident on his voice!

"You dare compare me to a mortal?!" Black growled. "That's it, Zamasu! Only ONE Zamasu is all the Zero Mortal Plan needs to suceed!"

"On that we agree." Zamasu calmly said, "Your influence is NOT needed on Rodrigo and Sarah. A fallen god is worthless." Zamasu coldly replied.

"Agreed, so you should leave before I make you. You might be imortal, but there are some fates more unpleasant than dying..." Black said.

"Oh, is that supposed to be a threat? How quaint. I thought you knew me better than that, but it seems you can barely call yourself Zamasu at this point..." Zamasu mused.

"Enough! Let's take this outside!" Black dared.

"If you wish to die so badly, Goku Black, I am more than happy to oblige. I would recommend stalling, however. It would give you time to enjoy your last living moments, perhaps." Zamasu noted.

"Hah! As if YOU could kill me on your best day and my worst day, loser." Black laughed.

And so, the two Gods went outside, not noticing Sarah heard the yells and chased them...

By the time she stepped outside, Sarah was confused as she saw the two on a field just bellow the cabin, in opposite sides of the field as they glared at each other!

"Zamasu, my self that is not myself...a fallen god spoiled by immortality..." Black growled, furious.

"Zamasu, my self that is not myself...a fallen god using a human body to eradicate humanity..." Zamasu calmly replied, disgust evident on his voice.

"What are they talkin' about?" Sarah wondered, only to gasp as Zamasu and Goku Black both raised their ki, and before their fight began, they both told each other, "There can only be ONE Zamasu-only one TRUE god!"

The tension between the two gods was palpable, their auras crackling with power. Even from a distance, Sarah could feel the heat emanating from their bodies. They were both powerful beings, and she knew that if they were to clash, the damage could be catastrophic.

The air around them crackled with energy as their auras clashed, and Sarah felt her heart race. She knew they were powerful beings, but she never imagined their fighting would be this intense! They both looked so serious, so angry...it was like they were ready to destroy each other just to prove who was better suited to continue the Zero Mortal Plan, and to raise Rodrigo and Sarah to become proper deities.

"No...please stop!" she yelled. "You're both wrong! You don't have to fight like this! We can find another way!"

Neither of them seemed to hear her, or care. They continued to exchange blows, the force of their attacks sending shockwaves through the ground beneath her feet. It was clear they weren't going to stop unless one of them was dead.

Black had the power advantage, but Zamasu, as expected, would NOT go down!

"Have we not have this talk before?" Zamasu noted, tossing a black ki ball at Black. "I am immortal. No matter what you do, you shall never kill me. Do accept your fate, and I promise I shall take our former kinship into account and give you a painless, quick end. For I am indeed a merciful god...."

But Black smirked, as he smacked the energy ball away. "A softy as ever, Zamasu. Do you really believe I will bow down to you?" he asked, kicking Zamasu into a wall.

"No, Black, I do not. Your stubborness was always infuriating, really." Zamasu replied, getting up and dusting his clothes, before smirking. "It would seem...that you took more from Son Goku than just his body."

"Don't compare me to that mortal, green elf!" Black warned.

"I fail to see much of a difference. Both insufferable, loving to fight as if there is NOT a bigger picture....really, I am rather embarassed of knowing you used to be Zamasu." Zamasu noted.

Of course, Zamasu COULD see the difference. However, he WANTED Black to be angry. Anger leads to mistakes. Mistakes...leads to the end.

Black was short tempered, but not stupid. He clenched his fists, before he realized Zamasu's play.

After all, Black is still Zamasu!

"Heh heh heh...you're not bad, pulling this trick on me..." chuckled Black.

Zamasu wasn't exactly disappointed that Black didn't fall for it, as he gave a small smile. "Even when you have fallen into ruin...you are still me." he praised.

Black nodded, smirking as he said, "Well then, allow me to test my newfound power on you."

Zamasu's smile widened as he replied, "I am all ears."

With a might roar, Black transformed into his Super Saiyan Rose form!

"If you're really me, then you'll happily be my main course!" Black noted, smirking.

Zamasu laughed as Black transformed! "Hehehe...that is indeed a exquisite color. And how fitting as a foil for myself!"

Their eyes hardened, and they once again locked gazes, readying themselves for the final confrontation.

"Very well," Zamasu growled. "If that is what you wish, then so be it."

Black smiled coldly. "Indeed."

The battle between the two gods resumed with even more ferocity than before. They traded blows, their auras flashing and sparking as they tried to gain the upper hand. The destruction they wreaked upon the landscape was immense, buildings crumbling, trees uprooted, and the very earth cracking beneath their feet.

Sarah watched in horror as the two beings she and her little brother Rodrigo see as a father and as an older brother fought with such brutality.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of despair and hopelessness as she realized that there was nothing she could do to stop them. Their fight had become a battle for the survival of their own egos, and they were willing to destroy everything around them in order to prove their superiority.

The air grew thick with the smell of burning ozone and singed hair as their energy attacks collided in midair. The ground beneath Sarah's feet shook violently, and she could feel the heat radiating from their bodies as they fought mere yards away. It was clear that this was no ordinary battle; it was a struggle between two gods for ultimate supremacy.

The two gods clashed, their energy blades meeting in a furious flurry of slashes and parries. Their surroundings shattered as their powers collided, sending shards of rock and debris flying through the air. Black was faster and stronger than ever before, his rose energy coursing through his veins. But Zamasu was no slouch either; his calmer demeanour and instincts were as sharp as ever, allowing him to predict Black's movements with uncanny accuracy.

The fight moved through the area, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

Sarah could feel the ground trembling beneath her feet as the two gods dueled, their auras merging and separating in a dance of death and power.

"No...please stop!" she cried, her voice hoarse from screaming. "You're both hurting each other so much!"

But neither god seemed to hear her, or care. Their focus was entirely on one another, their hatred and determination burning bright. The fight raged on for what felt like hours, with neither combatant gaining an advantage.

Suddenly, Black's power seemed to surge, and he landed a powerful kick on Zamasu's chest. The force of the impact sent Zamasu flying through the air, crashing into a nearby mountain. The mountain crumbled, burying the fallen god beneath tons of rock and debris. Black stepped over the remains of a shattered pillar, his expression grim as he surveyed the damage he had caused.

"Zamasu..." he muttered, "You...are no longer needed."

Black made his energy scythe. He never thought he'd have to test Zamasu's imortality, but he might as well.

If he sliced Zamasu in half, and pulverized both pieces, would Zamasu survive?

(Probably, but I ain't gonna find out if I don't try. Better try it before he gets up again...) Black thought.

He brought the scythe down...

"WAIT, BIG BRO!!!!" Sarah whined, stopping in front of Zamasu!

"S-Sarah?" Zamasu, who was already fully recovered, asked!

Black gasped and was barely able to stop his swing, Sarah paling as the scythe stopped inches from her!

"WHAT THE HELL, KIDDO?!!! I almost cut ya in half!!!" Black growled!

"B-but, if I didn't jump in, you'd cut him in half!" Sarah whined.

"Well, duh. That's the idea!" Black noted.

"Big bro!" pouted Sarah.

"Sarah, again, I'm IMMORTAL. That wouldn't even have worked on me..." Zamasu sighed, getting up.

"Welp, no way of knowing for sure till I tried!" shrugged Black!

"But ya shouldn't try, silly bro! Why are you even fighting?!" Sarah demanded.

"It is...complicated, daughter. And you are far too young to understand." Zamasu noted.

"Am not!" Sarah pouted.

"Look, kiddo, we don't have time for this. Why won't you just go home and wait for the survivor to go there and tell you the new house rules?" Black noted.

"Cause ya both gotta survive!" Sarah said.

"It is too late for that..." Zamasu said.

"No it's not! How do you two think I'll feel if one of ya kill the other? ANd lil bro! Do ya think Rodrigo will be happy with that?!" Sarah demanded.

"...." Black and Zamasu looked at each other.

Sarah only cutely pouted and crossed her arms, looking at them sternly!

And both Black and Zamasu took her words into account. By now, they are more than mere allies. They are a family. Plus, Black and Zamasu are even the same person!

And Sarah is also right in that, if one of them kills the other...they'd traumatize both her AND Rodrigo. They'd never be the same again...

"Black. Shall we call for a truce?" Zamasu proposed.

"Yeah...a truce. Though we both know I was gonna win back there." Black smirked.

"...Hmph. So you wish..." Zamasu noted, closing his eyes with a smirk, before they both shook hands!

Sarah clapped! "Man, that's amazing! You guys clearly learned! I'm proud of you both!"

"...Speaking of learning, daughter..." Zamasu noted.

Sarah sweatdropped. "W..w...what about it, daddy...?"

"What do ya mean, "what about it", kiddo?! I almost cut ya in half, if you'll remember!" Black scolded.

"O-oh yeah, ya did, didn't you?" Sarah asked, nervously...before wagging her finger! "I forgive ya this time, but you better be more careful from now on!" she scolded!

"...." Black looked unamused....

"...." So did Zamasu....

"...." And Sarah smiled nervously...

"....Nice try, daughter." Zamasu said!

Sarah giggled...before gulping and running away!

"....And, there she goes." sighed Zamasu.

"Yep. Seems like it." Black added.

"So, shall I go after her, or shall you?" Zamasu asked.

"Ya betcha I'll go! You're too soft on her." Black said.

"Well, okay, but-" Zamasu began.

"Yeah, yeah, no going Rose....." said Black, rolling his eyes.

"That's correct, but it was not what I was about to say. Now, if you'll allow me..." sighed Zamasu, "I do believe you should charge ki in your hand for the spanking."

This made Black's eyes widen!

"Woah, woah, woah, are you serious? I mean, ya ain't pulling my leg, are you?!" Black asked.

"Am I known for joking around, Black?" Zamasu asked, raising an eyebrow!

"Well, but...you're a softy, so...ya sure I can, right? I mean, you won't change your mind and stuff?" Black asked.

"No, I shall not change my mind and..."stuff"." Zamasu sighed, patiently, though with clear disgust at the term. "As you said, Sarah almost got cut in half. This calls for a powerful punishment, indeed."

Black smirked. "Finally we agree on Sarah's discipline. Welp, I'm off!" Black said, putting two fingers on his forehead...

Meanwhile, Sarah was trying to get to her room while Zamasu and Black were distracted.

(At least they are getting along now.) Sarah thought on the bright side, (Now if only they didn't wanna spank my butt!)

She then blinked as she heard Rodrigo's video game.

"Oh, silly me. I forgot to take lil bro to bed with all this mess!" Sarah mumbled, smiling, as she went on her way.

But as she was about to move, she heard "Yeah, silly you. You could have made this sporting for me, at least, kiddo."

"B-big bro!" Sarah gasped, "How did yah...oh no, you didn't do that again, did you?!"

"Yep. Instant Transmission. As if you didn't know I could..." Black noted, grabbing her by the ear!

"Owwieeee! Come ON, bro, leggo of my ear!" Sarah whined, squirming.

"Sure, as soon as I find your spanking chair." Black promised, dragging her there!

"Oww, owwie, ouch, b-but bro, I'm busy! I gotta put Rodrigo to bed!" Sarah tried.

"Oh, come on." smirked Black, seeing through her attempt. "I'm sure the kiddo won't mind some more game time!"

"Owwie, ouch, that's cheating..." pouted Sarah.

"Yeah, yeah..." Black sighed, rolling his eyes as he soon had Sarah over his knee, baring her butt!

"Aww, but I wanted you guys to stay friends..." Sarah whined.

"It doesn't excuse being reckless, and almost killed." Black said, covering his hand in ki.

"W-what? N-no, please, not a ki spanking!" Sarah whined.

But Black was unmoved. "Ya should have thought of that before being so reckless, kiddo. Now you'll just have to deal with the consequences." he said, sternly.

He then raised his hand, glowing with a golden energy, and brought it down hard on her exposed bottom. The smack echoed through the room, and Sarah yelped in pain.

"OWWWWWW! Black, that hurts a lot!!!!" Sarah whined.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Black said, the ki hand still rising and falling, "But it'll teach ya to behave...won't it, kiddo?"

"Owwie, ouch, owowow, but I, I didn't..." she began.

"I know what you wanted, kiddo. Ya told me! But it doesn't excuse your recklessness!" Black scolded, still bringing spankings down!

Sarah yelped each time her bottom was hit, tears streaming down her face! "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't do it again! Please, no more!" she cried out, sobbing!

"Too late for that now, kiddo." Black said, continuing to spank her, each smack harder than the last! "But I'm sure this'll teach ya..."

"It's not fair!" Sarah wailed. "I united you and daddy again! Ya were supposed to be PROUD of me!"

"And I am. But I'm also teaching you a lesson." Black said, his voice firm. "And trust me, it'll be worth it in the long run."

With each word, another smack came down, making Sarah howl in pain! Sarah howled as the stinging pain radiated across her bottom.

She tried to wiggle free, but Black's grip was too strong "No more! No more!" she screamed, squirming helplessly over her big brother's knee! "No more, please!" she begged. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again!"

But Black was unrelenting. He spanked her harder and faster, leaving her bottom a fiery red. Sarah was crying now, both from the pain and from the fear that he wouldn't stop. She tried to protect her bottom with her hands, but Black easily pushed them aside.

"You're gonna learn your lesson this time, kiddo," he growled, spanking her once more. "And you'll remember it every time you remember what a ki spanking feels like!"

And soon, Sarah was bawling, as she felt Black spank her sitspots. By now, she was realizing the danger she put herself into. ANd how much she worried Black and Zamasu...

"Waaaaahhhh....big bro, please, I won't be reckless! I won't I promiseeee!" bawled Sarah.

"And what is gonna happen if you are reckless?!" Black scolded, still spanking the sitspots.

"WAAAAAAHHH!!! I'll be spankeeeeeed...." bawled Sarah!

Black finally stopped, his ki-infused hand still raised in the air. He leaned forward, gently rubbing Sarah's back as she continued to cry. "I'm sorry, kiddo," he said softly. "I hate having to do this. But it's for your own good. Ya know that, right?"

Sarah sniffled, still sobbing uncontrollably. "I know...I'm sorry...I won't be reckless...I promise..."

Black pulled her up onto his lap, cradling her in his arms. "I know you're sorry, kiddo. And I believe you. But from now on, you've gotta remember that there are consequences to your actions. You can't just jump in between someone using a ki attack."

Sarah buried her face in his shoulder, still crying. "I know...I'm sorry..."

They sat together for a while, Black holding her close, her tears soaking into his shirt. Eventually, Sarah calmed down enough to look up at him. "I love you, Black," she whispered.

He smiled gently down at her. "I love you too, kiddo." he said, then coughed, "Don't tell anyone I softened up at the end, or I'll have to spank ya again!"

"Okay..." Sarah sniffled, but giggled and thought, (Softy!)

"Now, kiddo, didn't you wanna put your little brother to bed? He had his extra video game time." huffed Black, to change the subject.

"O-oh yeah, that's right!" winced Sarah, covering her butt before leaving, after hugging Black. "Rodrigo, I'm coming in, so turn off this video game and get ready for bed! Daddy and big bro are getting along!"

Black just shook his head and smirked as Sarah left. It seemed things went back to normal, after all!

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