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"I have nothing to do.....there is still some time left before dinner...."
"Ah right.!"
I stood up and leaned towards my bed.
I hid Erik's letters there.
I took of those letters,they were soo many.
Erik wrote many letters to me but I wrote none to him.....
I know it's weird but it's sweet.....
I found a little treasure box that my mother gifted me when I was younger.
I reread all the sweet letters Erik sent to me and put them in that box,
And hid them under my bed in a corner.
By the time I finished reading all the letters and arranged them in the box,
It was time for dinner.
I went to the dining hall.

Everyone was waiting for me.
"Sorry to keep you all waiting." I voiced.
"Sapphira did you tell Tatiana about that-?" King Draven questioned Queen Sapphira.
"I did." Queen Sapphira answered.
"Tatiana you must be careful from now on.You cannot go outside until we allow you to."
King Draven voiced as he turned his gaze towards me.
"Yes father." I reassured.
"Don't worry your majesty,I will take care of her." Lewis replied.

I and Lewis do talk sometimes but not as much as we used to before.
Erik knows that I and Lewis are childhood friends and he clearly doesn't like him very much.
Erik gets jealous of Lewis sometimes as Lewis has always been with me.
I love to see him get jealous,he looks adorable when he gets jealous.
Erik looks like a child that does want to share his candy when he sees/imagines me with Lewis .

I accidentally let out a soft laugh as I was thinking of Erik.
"What happened young lady?" Queen Sapphira asked.
"It's no-nothing." I voiced while trying to control my laughter.I was embarrassed.
"You have been acting strange lately Tatiana." Lewis voiced as he turned his gaze towards me.
"It's nothing l-like that and me acting strange is nothing out of the ordinary-." I replied sarcastically to make sure he doesn't suspect me.
"Alright alright." Lewis laughed.

I went to my room after finishing the dinner.
I lay down on my bed after getting changed.

I was thinking about Esmeray kingdom's king and Erik.
A thought came into my mind.....
"I know that Erik is a king but I don't know which kingdom's king is he..?"
*laughs softly* "
I am so silly,I don't even know which kingdom does he live in.... Nevermind I will ask him next time when I meet him....." I muttered to myself.

Erik's kingdom might probably be close to Amaris as comes to meet me often....

About Esmeray kingdom's king.....
I don't even know who is he.....
How he looks like.....
Isn't it strange.....
Who is the king of Esmeray....?

❝𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮....❞Where stories live. Discover now