Chapter 1

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"You're late again?!" A man in his 50s shouted to the young black haired man

"There was too much crowded" the young man replied nonchalantly in contrast with the old man's red angry face

"Same excuse. Again" he said with dissatisfiedly

"Because this is the reason. Again. You know how much i hate being late on my appointments let alone my job" he sits while putting a leg on the other, crossed leg.


"This is the third time in my whole life be late and why are you even shouting at me when it's out of my hand?" lucas said a little annoyingly. That old man sighed and tried to calm himself.

"A job is a job, lucas. Alright because I know you're situation in your home, i'll try and give you three more chances. After that am afraid I can't help you further and will fired you if you're late again. Thank your mother. And you're tongue is sharp, be careful to whom you're talking to" he said and left

"Thank you for nothing" lucas said rolling his eyes and sighed, not minding or even caring if his boss heard him or not. He goes to wear his apron and left to start his job.

It's been such a long time since his home no longer considered home anymore after his dad have a car accident and died, after that lucas forced to go to college and work at the same time so he can provide for his mother and himself for the future. It was easier at first because his mom was working in a bank and his dad who passed away was working as a driver to the one of the most famous businessman in Korea, so there was a good amount of money, they weren't rich but have a humble life.

After 1 year, his mom had a cancer so she stopped working and there was some dept they have to pay for the house that they currently resided in, it was too much and his mom has to do some tests and surgeries for the cancer. While lucas was counting the money for the house, for food, his college, his mom's medical stuff, the amount wasn't enough so he sacrificed his life as a student and start working as a barista.

He was a young man and no one believed his skills so he worked as a barista because he became skilled in cooking and making beverages whether hot or cold thanks to his mom. They adored his skills and thus the boss hired him and because lots of costumers came just for him, the boss took advantage of lucas but lucas didn't mind as long as he being paid.

But because his home became a place close to a living hell, to provide and for.. seeing his mom suffer in front of him while he can do nothing but to stay by her side and support her, she's his whole world and the only one with him. He can be popular and lovable but he actually doesn't have friends because he doesn't have time to have one while he's in a situation close to a war just to provide for this house... it's been 1 year but because these days his mom's sickness became worse and still can't do the surgery, lucas became late thrice just to take care of her, his sleeping schedule became mess.

Also, he knows now his mother's condition is unfortunately will become worse day by day and the boss says "three more chances only to get fired" he have no hope and knows his job as a barista will come to an end very soon. Looks like he have to sacrifice his sleeping time as well and some other things just to maintain this job for a longer time.

'Sigh. Looks like I have to search for a new job for now..'

' I guess i'll just wish myself luck and goes to that man who's my dad was working with. If there was a chance i can be hired, i can be a driver.. i sold the car long time ago, can i still drive?' He was actually planned to go to him long time ago but was kind of worried if he'll come home early to take care of his mom. His dad was working from 7 am till 10 pm but sometimes due to some work that requires him to wait his boss, he came at 12 am so he was worried if he will be like his dad.

'What was his name again..? Clause.. ah claude de I forgot what obelia'..

He paused to see the costumer in front of him. He faked a smile and said his usual thing

"Welcome to xxxx, how may i help you?" These words is cringe to lucas that he sometimes want to curse

"Yes i want-.."



It was 8 pm, the time when he usually reached home, his shift is from 8 am till 8 pm then the other workers is from 8 pm till 8 am, so it is a 24 hours coffee shop and a bar after the 8 pm. He sighed before opening the door while he wished he can go to any place but not the home.

He closed the door and goes to check on his mom


"Yes, dear? Am here come"

She was on her bed watching TV and was waiting for him. He smiled a little and goes to her

"Have you eaten something, honey? I made noodles. You're favorite " she said a little tired. Her face was pale and has some crumpling, she was clearly in pain but hiding it with a smile

"Why mom? You're tired why did you make food?"

"I wanted to move this lazy leg of mine" she let out a chuckle and continue

"Besides there wasn't a thing on the TV so I was bored"

He sighed "if you say so. Thanks anyway. However, did you eat the food i made for you?" He playfully glared at her to see if she will dare to make him worry again or not

"Yes dear. I eat it all like an obedient child. You seriously treats me like am your daughter.." she whined playfully at the end

He chuckled a little and say

"Well, it became your habit much to my disappointment to make me worried because you don't eat like i told you" he regret saying afterwards it because of his mother's disease but his mom kept smiling..

She can't eat much because she lost appetite due to her sickness.. only sleeps, being in pain with tons of tablets to eat, and her psychological health has obviously deteriorated due to all that so she became needy just to not feel alone and suffer.

"Anyway, am hungry till the point of gobbling the whole refrigerator. I will go change and have a quick shower then come, okay?" He lied and joked just to change the subject and runaway from looking at his mom when he said those words

"Okay, honey"

With that he left to his room

Trick of the contractजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें