Chapter 7

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Everyone get inside the hospital, athanasia follows them after talking to izekiel in some minutes. She was trying to calm herself down before going there. Currently, lucas goes outside intending to talk to madonna and the others before getting inside. Fortunately, they came after some few minutes when lucas goes outside.

"Lucas,son. Is anna alright?" Madonna asked in concern when seeing lucas outside

" she's awake now, madam. Still in pain but tries to hide it from me as usual." He smiled sadly while lowering his head. Madonna and diana were looking at him sadly.. the mother and her son both knows that they are in pain but hide it from each other..

" can we meet her?" Diana asked

" you can but not too much. The dr. Even forbid me to stay there for more than 5 minutes.." he replied. They nodded. Lucas suddenly glanced at claude to see him glaring at him, lucas glared back without minding him... he already hates him.

'Is this bastard will be my father in law?' Lucas asked disgustingly and was obvious that claude was thinking of the same thing

'I wanted to separate athanasia from that dog only to have a bastard like him to be my son in law?' He thought disgustingly while shook his head.

' I can't believe we'll see each other from now on!' Both thinks at the same time while glaring at each other. Lion vs wolf.. both no matter how strong or weak they are, there's no space or place for "surrender " to be in between. Madonna noticed their deadly glares that seem to burn anyone that came in between then glares at claude, he didn't notice her as he was only focusing on lucas. Madonna shook her head at them and changed the subject

" did you think about the marriage? What have you decide?" She asked. He averted his gaze from claude to her

" i'll do as you say,madam... if you want this marriage and the miss has agreed for this then i shall agree.." he replied reluctantly

"First, don't call me madam, call me grandma, you're no different from my granddaughters "

"H-how i-?!"

" that wasn't an ask, you have to." She smiled but was firm

"G-grandma..." he blushed a little making madonna and diana smiled warmly at him

" second, I don't want to force you. I want you to agree willingly not by force"

" yeah i want to know too." Athanasia came and said. Looking at lucas with somewhat conceited face to them but she was only mad instead.

'Is this girl will be my future wife? I can see how bright my future will be from now. Like father like daughter' he thought looking at her disgustingly but hide it immediately. He can feel it that he neither liked the father in law nor his daughter. He remembered how she tries to comfort him before then seeing her now... he nodded to himself that she's a two-faced girl.

"What's your decision, miss?" He asked her trying to be polite and asked her first.

"I asked you first, just answer" she replied to him. She was really annoyed by everything. Even though she knows lucas has no hand in this but she can't help but to feel resentful at everything and everyone.

"My mom asked me... I can't refuse " he raised an eyebrow but lowered it immediately then said

"I see... we somehow have the same answer.. Well, you have to know that this marriage will be less than a year" she said firmly while eying everyone, challenging them to stop her

"..." he didn't reply

"It's a contract marriage. Everyone here are the witnesses for this, no one can change this, this marriage will be only for 6 months"

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