Chapter 5

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*cough cough*

Loud coughs were heard from the house after lucas left for work, this time he left earlier than any time before.


His mom, Anna has been coughing few minutes before rushing to the bathroom, her hand on her mouth... since one year it wasn't something new to see blood coming out of her mouth in her hand.. but she's still can not help but to be shocked... especially with the quantity of the blood that comes.

It's been 2 months now since the blood that coming out of her mouth is too much.. she became paler.. she didn't told her son about this to not worry him.

"Hic.... hic" she bit her lip and cried, closing her eyes tightly. After washing her hands, her hands moved to her hair, and press on it then pulled it ... only to see lots of strands from her hair in her hand. This time she didn't stifle her cries, she cried and screamed

"Aaaah... herghh!!! Errghh!" She screamed while hitting the sink, the wall... and herself..

"No! No!...." she cried more now but stopped hitting things while moving her hand on her mouth. Her legs collapsed on the floor and cried freely now. Only one good thing happened when lucas left her and that is she can cry freely without making her son knows or worry him.

"God... please let me stay with my son a little longer... i don't want to die now...! I want to stay with him... please... hic hic..!" She cried till her tears dried..

"No use.... I'll leave my son soon.... i had to do this... i have a feeling that it is sooner than i thought.." she put her hand in her heart then wiped her tears, slowly and weakly stood up and left to her room to take her phone.. she stares at it for some long seconds still trembling after all the cries.. then she finally opened it. She searched for a number.. when she found it, she gulped. That decision may hurt her son but she has to do it. She press on the number and calls them. After the third ring the one who she wants to talk to responds

"Hello, anna dear!"

"Hello madam.."

"What's wrong, dear? Your voice is not good... are you okay?" That person sounded worried

'Am not....' she thought while closing her eyes tightly.

"Madam, can we meet today in my house? It's important..."

"Of course, dear. When do you want?"

"As soon as possible please.. bring madam diana as well please"

"Of course! We'll be here soon!" With that the call ends.

She slowly put the phone in her bed and slowly walked to her drawer and opened it. She searched for empty papers and took it with a pen on the table. She sighed as she slowly moved to the dinning table. She sits and put the papers on the table. She sniffed, wiped her tears then sighs once more then took the pen, opens the cover then begin to write. She has no idea if what she will do is good or bad, has a good impact in the future or not, can... make her son happy or sad but she wants to do this.



"Grandma good morning " Athanasia said after she seen her grandmother walking down the stairs quickly

"Wow slow down grandma you'll fall!" She rushed to her after putting back the apple she was munching on the plate

"Ah i have to go!" She said hastily

"Wait! Mom!" Diana also comes down shouting

"Mom.. grandma... where are you going this morning?" Athanasia asked as she was confused with the way her mom and grandmother descended the stairs

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