Chapter 8

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"You'll.. travel today..?" Izekiel asked roger, his father when he sees his luggage. He was too disappointed.

"Yes, i am" he takes his suitcase after adjusting his cravat.

"You said next week.." he frowned

"I know" he sighed and continued "i was supposed to travel after i came here in 2 days.. i stayed with you because you were so stressed about... athanasia's marriage. I told my dad to postpone it but he couldn't let me postpone it more than this.. am really sorry, izekiel.." he explained while putting a hand on his son's shoulder. Izekiel nodded, he felt he want support especially at this day... the day where his girlfriend will get married with another man...

Roger hugged him while izekiel only rested his head on his shoulder.

"Today? The day i need support the most..?" He whispered

"Am sorry, izekiel. My words won't ever comfort you, i know... but you do know that athanasia only belongs to you, right?" He reminded him, in truth he meant something else that's not entirely good but izekiel didn't get it but thought that his dad is comforting him. He nodded, trying to smile a little.

"So don't forget this. And don't stop doing your work" he reminded him again

"I will, dad.. am still a little mad that you didn't let me to go to uncle claude instead. What are you planning?" He raised an eyebrow at his father who smiled 'innocently'

"You are supposed to marry athanasia, right? So start from zero till you have claude's trust and manage the company with athanasia as your wife. I want to ensure your future, son."

"'Ensure'" Izekiel scoffed and rolled his eyes

"Dad, this is the last thing i care about now. My girlfriend will get married to another man within hours and you speaking about company? What company?!" He was annoyed by his father who doesn't seem to understand his feelings

"Well, izekiel the last thing i care about is your love life. Love won't make money and build your future, your work will. Just care about the company and having claude's trust then you can care about your love life" he speaks honestly to his son while frowning at what his son said.

"Don't exaggerate, izekiel. It's 6 months not years. Just focus on your work and spend time with athanasia, that's all. Do not let that man have a time to be with athanasia" he 'advised'.. more like warning..

"Well, dad everything can happen in 6 months.." he replied then turned his head, he was gloomy and doesn't have a mood to act like he's fine at this day.

"Well, that depends on you and how you'll maintain your relationship. If you're relationship with athanasia is strong then you don't even have to think about their relationship... izekiel with your hands, you can change everything " he stared deeply at his son's eyes wanting for his son to regain confidence.

"Okay dad... don't be late on the airport, you have to go" he just wanted to close the subject

"Yes, i'll take my leave now. Will you go to the wedding?" He asked before leaving

"I'll.. but I don't think i'll stay all the time there.." he said weakly.

"Alright, son take care. I have already told claude about my departure, if anything just send my apology to them. I'll always be in touch with you" Izekiel nodded.

"Take care if yourself, dad..." he said, his tone showed sadness.

Roger left but not before the chauffeur took his luggage to the car. Izekiel sighed as he goes to the window to see his father's leaving

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