Part 5

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"You are not what you seem, Your Highness." You said as you guys walked through the gardens.

"Really? How so?" Yoongi mused.

"You're soft on the inside. Like a marshmallow."

Yoongi laughed."I dare you to say again, did you just compare me with a marshmallow?"

"Yes, I very much did, So, my point of, why don't you let it show?" You said crossing your arms as you stopped him.

"Now, that is none of your business," Yoongi said with a frown.

"Come on! You can easily have a partner by now if you let your emotions show!"

"What do you know?" Yoongi retorted. "You're a marriage officiant with no lover, explain that to me!"

"I guess I've been so caught up in making other people happy, that I forgot to make myself happy." You said quietly.

"Then how do you know what is the joy of falling in love is like if you've never gone through it yourself?" Yoongi said before walking away.

"Well," You groaned. "That could've gone better."


"Ugh, he's right. I don't have a partner but I work as a marriage officiant." You said to yourself as you sifted through candidates' profiles. "Ah ha! Yes! Found you!"

You set the profile in a stack next to you of the top ten. You looked for Kat, but she was nowhere to be found. You decided to get to work by yourself. There were papers and sticky notes everywhere and your concentration was broken by a knock on the door.

"Come in." You replied thinking it was Jiho.

The King slowly opened the door, and you jumped off the floor, papers fluttering as you composed yourself.

"Your Majesty, I didn't know that you were coming. Excuse the mess." You said sheepishly.

"I came to check on how your work was going." He said gruffly.

"Uh, it's going pretty well. I wanted to talk to you I have picked a few girls and I was hoping that we could set something up for tonight with the Prince. Like a little dinner party or something, so that way he can meet some of the girls, spend time with them and see if anything sparks"

"I'll give orders to Jiho to set this right away. Thank you."

"The pleasure is all mine, your Majesty." You said bowing as he left.

Once the door shut, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding for too long. Well, now you have some calls to do.


"Butterflies you say?" Yoongi questioned as he rose an eyebrow. "I must admit I've never experienced these butterflies."

"Yeah, it kinda makes you feel sick and excited at the same time, and it's just a really special feeling." You said with a shrug.

"Have you ever felt these butterflies while seeing anyone?" Yoongi asked.

"Once, But, uh, we took our own paths. Now, you Mr. you are going to have a great time tonight." You said dusting his shoulders off.

"Can you come with me? I'm feeling a bit nervous." Yoongi admitted.

"If I will come with you, I would just ruin the party, because I'm very clumsy. Besides, this is about you, not me. Remember the butterflies, and if you feel them, then probably that's the girl we were talking about and who will be your future partner.♡

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