Part 9

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"Y/n!" Yoongi called jogging after you.

You turned back to see Prince as he came towards you

"I, uh, wanted to know if you wanted to go for a ride with Me, Seojoo, and Eunwoo," Yoongi said nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Thanks, but I'm sure Hana would love to join you. Jimin and I -"

"Jimin? What are you doing with him?" Yoongi said with a displeased look.

"He wanted to take me for a ride in his carriage around town before dinner, I don't see why you would care; you have Hana."

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Y/N! There you are! You coming?" Jimin asked from one of the doors.

"Yup! One sec!" You called before looking at Yoongi. "Have fun. Tell Seojoo to be careful."

Yoongi shoved his hands in his pockets."I, um, I will. See you at the dinner tonight."

"See ya." You said before jogging to catch up with Jimin.


"Where's Y/N?" Eunwoo asked saddling a horse as Yoongi walked up.

"She's with Jimin," Yoongi grumbled.

"Is that jealousy I hear?" Eunwoo joked as Yoongi shot him a glare.

"No, just mad she chose him over me."

"That's jealousy," Eunwoo confirmed. "Do tell me again why you chose Hana over

Yoongi huffed as he tightened his saddle. "Not now Eunwoo. And Hana is not that bad."

Eunwoo looked at his friend with disappointment."Right, I must have missed all the times she was pleasant. She's trouble, Yoongi. And her painting skills aren't exactly praiseworthy."

"Well, not everyone can be professional like you, Eunwoo. Wait? You saw that?"

Eunwoo nodded with a grimace. "I would try to be nice, but it was horrible. Sorry, pal. I think you might need to rethink your life choices."

"Let's just get on with our horse ride. You ready Seojoo?" Yoongi asked turning to the little girl that just rounded the corner.

"Yup!" She said with a huge smile.


"So, what's the deal with you and Yoongi?" Jimin asked as you slowly rode through town.

"N-nothing. What makes you say we have something?" You said nervously.

Jimin deadpanned and sighed. "That man is head over heels for you. My question is why he is with that Hana woman."

"Yoongi is not head over heels for me. And he's with Hana because I paired them together."

"Why don't you just tell him how you feel? That would save you a whole lot of trouble. And don't you dare start telling me that you're not good enough, because you are. You are Y/N the Beautiful."

"Well, thank you, Jimin." You said as he smiled. "I'm glad someone thinks I'm beautiful."


"Over here!" Jimin called as you walked into the dining room. "Come sit by me."

You walked over to Jimin and sat by him, unaware that Yoongi's eyes were following you.

"Hi, Jimin. Kat is on another date with Taehyung, so I'm glad I'm not going to be alone."

"Don't think you would be alone even if I was gone. I think the princely boy is staring you down." Jimin chuckled turning his head.

You saw Yoongi staring at you, a frown settled on his lips. You stared back at him for a little bit before he turned away to talk to Eunwoo.

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