Part 10

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Yoongi's eyes darted around frantically. Where were you? You weren't among the dancing couples or by the food, most of which Jimin was hogging by the way. He tugged the collar of his shirt, desperately trying to cool down his frantic state. Hana noticed Yoongi's nervousness as soon as she walked in. She thought Yoongi was looking for her but could tell he hadn't even noticed she walked in.

 She thought Yoongi was looking for her but could tell he hadn't even noticed she walked in

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"Hey, Yoongi," Hana said causing him to jump.

"Hey Hana, I- where did you get that?" Yoongi questioned as soon as his eyes landed on the golden butterflies that were pinned to the shoulder of her dress.

"Y/N gave it to me. Isn't that sweet?" Hana gushed batting her eyelashes.

Butterflies. Yoongi thought. Freaking butterflies.

Yoongi suddenly felt really bad. His eyes darted around the room, but no such luck. You weren't there. His heart sank. I'm an idiot!

Meanwhile, the King watched his son

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Meanwhile, the King watched his son. The King had seen many things in his life, but golly, his son could be an idiot at times. He turned to Kat who was currently sipping her wine.

"Where is she?" The King asked.

Kat looked away. "I-"

"Don't lie to me."

"She's at the airport. She didn't want anyone to know."

"Must I do everything myself?" The King said standing up.

"Where are you going?" Kat asked with wide eyes.

"I'm going to bring Y/N from the airport and get my son to tell her how he feels. I feel like they both need their happy ending. Don't you?"


You dragged your suitcase behind you, tears threatening to spill. You pulled your jacket closer, the evening chill seemed to sting. Standing patiently, you thought about Yoongi and how far he had come. Even though he could be a snob at times, he was such a sweetheart. You hoped he would find joy and happiness with Hana. Something caught your eyes, and turning slightly, you saw a beautiful butterfly.

 Something caught your eyes, and turning slightly, you saw a beautiful butterfly

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"Would you look at me?" You said as it landed on your hand. "And here I was thinking butterflies were nothing but trouble and sorrow."

"Trouble yes, but I would hope not sorrow."

You quickly whipped around towards the source of the voice. You saw the King staring at you, a smile tugging on his lips. He folded his arms, and huffed, his breath coming out in white puffs.

"What do you think you're doing young lady? The coronation is this way." He chuckled.

"I'm sorry your Majesty, but-"

"He's in love with you for crying out loud! I know people are blinded by love, but this is just ridiculous!" He cried throwing his hands in the air. "Please come back. I really don't want Hana to become my future daughter-in-law."

"You don't cringe at the thought of your son marrying a commoner?"
You questioned.

"Would I have trekked out here in the cold if I thought otherwise? You make my son happy, and I want him- both of you to be happy. We must embrace love as it comes. Catch the butterflies as they come."

"You're not going to give up are you?" You laughed.

"I swear I won't hear the end of it if I come back empty-handed. Jiho is waiting for us."

You grabbed your suitcase and walked towards the King. "Okay fine."

He smiled and motioned for you to follow him. Jiho greeted you with a smirk and took your suitcase. Sliding in beside the King, you began to feel nervous. You only hoped that Yoongi would accept you.


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