Probably Just A One Off Blip.

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Elsa was sat in the cafeteria, waiting for Sebastian and stirring a cup of watery hot chocolate that she had no intention of drinking. Even if she had actually needed a drink, she'd of probably chucked it away, the hot chocolate powder was congealed in a gloopy, powdery lump at the bottom of the cup and the only stirring implement available was a useless, tiny, paddle shaped plastic stick. But it gave her something to do that looked normal and human while she waited and she could complain with others in the hot drink queue about the low quality of the drinks on offer and the tools provided to stir them with in a normal, human way. Being surrounded by these normal humans as she was at college, often made her all the more aware of how she was neither of those things anymore. Sometimes it bothered her and she craved that old life back but mostly now-a-days she didn't mind anymore, she was glad that the boredom she was feeling right now was not something that permeated into every aspect of her life. The majority of her existence was anything but boring and this little bit of normal was just enough for her, it kept her humble and grounded.

She realised absently as she stirred, watching the small whirlpool of slightly chocolate flavoured, tepid water she created in the cup, that she was thirsty for a different kind of drink. She had no blood bags with her at college, that would take some explaining if she dropped her bag and it's contents spilled out on the floor in the middle of a crowded corridor. She would wait until Sebastian had to go to his next lesson and nip home for a drink, it would only make her a couple of minutes late for her next lesson and her biology tutor was always five to ten minutes late anyway. Elsa now knew this was probably down to her penchant for half a bottle of wine and a few cigarettes at lunchtime. The full pack of extra strong mints consumed a few minutes before heading to class did nothing to hide the smell of nicotine and alcohol from Elsa.

Someone sat down beside her. It wasn't Sebastian, it was Harry from her maths class and he too had a sub-standard cup of hot chocolate in his hand with one of the offending plastic, pixie paddles bobbing about in it.

"Hey Elsa," he said in what was probably supposed to be a relaxed manner. Elsa could see the beads of sweat on his upper lip and hear the quickening of his heart rate as he sat down. Worse still she saw his pupils dilate as he looked at her. This happened sometimes if she was a bit peckish. Part of what made vampires such effective predators was that they drew their prey to them. The more she needed to eat, the more attractive she suddenly became to the opposite sex, to the same sex too as it happened. Poor Harry had just passed a little too close to her as she was thinking she needed a drink and pow - suddenly he felt the need to sit and shoot the breeze with her wether he liked it or not.

"Hey Harry, how's things?" she replied in as off-hand a way as she could without being rude but she knew it would take more than that to put him off and Sebastian would be here any moment. He understood why this happened sometimes but the demon side of him didn't always look objectively at a situation where his girlfriend appeared to be being chatted up by someone else. It made him grumpy and Sebastian's version of grumpy had a touch more intensity to it than most peoples.

"... and your hair looks amazing," Harry had been talking while Elsa was thinking about Sebastian. She tried to get his eyes to fix with hers so she could focus on his thoughts an emotions and  try to break the spell she had inadvertently put him under but his eyes were darting about, looking her up and down and drinking in every part of her they could see. He looked ever so slightly bewildered, as if his brain couldn't quite believe that his mouth was complimenting her on her hair. 

Elsa decided to take a more direct approach, she knew Sebastian was almost there, she could feel him. She placed a hand on either side of Harry's face and brought her face close to his, looking him directly in the eye, it would look weird to anyone who happened to look but she didn't care and Harry wouldn't remember.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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