Final Words

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*AN - So here it is, the full chapter extended from the teaser I gave to you earlier this month. The book now also has a fantabulous cover made by RimUranium, the artist behind the cover to Devil Inside - enjoy!*

Elsa felt the lightest of touches on the back of her neck. It continued into the hollow where her shoulder began, traced her smooth, ivory skin down the gentle curve of her waist to her hip and a hand came to rest softly on her stomach. The crackle of electricity this simple touch sent through her body was only heightened when she felt a new touch at her neck. Two lips pressed themselves to her flesh, their warmth in stark contrast to her cool skin. She felt the rough brush of twenty-four hour stubble and smiled as she rolled over to find those lips with her own. He hadn’t woken her, she didn’t sleep, but she loved this morning ritual, it made her feel so ... normal.

“What would you like for breakfast?” She murmured into his ear as he continued to kiss her neck, each kiss becoming slightly less gentle than the one preceding it.

“You,” Sebastian growled into her shoulder, maneuvering his weight over her and pinning her onto the bed as if to ensure she could not escape.

Elsa was hungry and they both had to get to work. She groaned as the pressure of Sebastian’s touch increased with the heat from his body; she could easily fend of his early morning advances - if she really wanted to.

“I need a drink,” she protested weakly, “You know what will happen if I don’t drink first.”

“I don’t care,” he clearly didn’t as he was showing no signs of stopping what he was doing and what he was doing was so nice that Elsa was caring less and less herself by the second.

“I’ll bite,” she whispered.

Sebastian paused and fixed his intense grey eyes on hers, grinning wickedly,

“I’ll bite back.”


“Elsa, how on earth do you manage to be late when you can move as fast as you can?” Logan held out a mug of warm blood as she flew into the staffroom, dumped her bag in a locker and made to speed past him again.

She bought herself to a pause and took the mug gratefully, she still hadn’t had breakfast, “Thanks,” she said, taking a long gulp, before trying to sound as innocent as possible, “I didn’t realise I was late.”

“Liar,” Logan grinned, “And I suppose your boyfriend is going to be even later?” He had a knowing look that would have made Elsa blush to the roots of her hair if she could.

“No, he’s not,” Sebastian stalked into the room and deposited his motorcycle helmet on the table. It wasn’t intentional, the stalking, it was just the way he moved. He didn’t stroll or amble, he prowled like he was top of the food chain and he knew it.

“Well you both are – late,” Logan shrugged, “But it’s no skin off my nose, you might want to get to briefing though. If you’re lucky, your dad will be late too.”

“Why aren’t you there?” Elsa asked.

“I’m out in the field with Gray today, just packing a light snack,” Logan held up a very substantial bag full of food and Elsa raised an eyebrow.

“Where do you two put it?” Both Logan and Gray were well built, Gray in particular was huge. It was all muscle and sinew and, in Gray’s case, rather a lot of hair but still, the amount of food they could put away and not put on an ounce of fat never ceased to surprise Elsa.

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