Chapter Three

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Hailey's POV

For the rest of the day, me and Heather just sat in the living room where it first happened, chilling out. Heather had her arm wrapped around me as we were watching a short movie, and that was when Heather began to fall asleep on me. I kissed the top of her head and turned off the television with the remote, and picked my girlfriend up to take her back up to our bedroom. The bite surely must be infecting her in some way...

I knew for a fact it wasn't a disease. She would have...

No, don't think about that now. Look after Heather until she's better. That was my main goal. 

I slowly laid my girlfriend down onto the mattress and took the duvet, getting ready to place it on top of her until she said this, "It feels like I'm on the sun." 

"What do you mean, babe?" I asked her, putting the duvet back down and sat on the edge of the bed next to her. "There's also a voice.  Not your voice though, she's in my head. I want her to stop." she told me, as she opened her eyes to gaze up at the ceiling, zoning out completely. "Heather? Are you with me?" I asked her. She didn't reply. "Oh fuck..." I said out loud before I left the bedroom to get some help. 

I picked up my mobile phone and was about to enter the doctor's number until I heard some heavy breathing coming from behind. I turned around just in time, as Heather had her mouth open, wanting to bite me or was trying to bite me but I stopped her luckily.

"Babe, no..." 



Heather then grabbed my arm, tugging me towards her but I tugged my arm back and pushed her away from me. "Snap out of it, babe. Please. I need you to come back..." I tried to bring her out of it until she tried to pounce on me, but failed as I moved out of the way but she ended up landing on her face, knocking herself out. I reacted by picking her up and took her into our bedroom, and placed her on the bed again before I quickly rushed out and locked the door by turning the modern silver lock.

For more safety, I went downstairs and grabbed a chair from the dining room and putting it under the door handle. I then sat down on the chair, and silently waited, thinking about what just happened. She tried to bite me. My own girlfriend tried to bite me....

Half an hour later, I heard some footsteps coming towards the door and heard the door handle move up and down...multiple times. She was angry. 

Then came the thudding. 

She was very angry...

Now I had a choice. 

Should I leave her, or stay and face the consequence?  

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