Chapter Twenty (Finale)

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// yay, my computer is being a pain in the fucking ass again with the updates. if i can get this final chapter done without it fucking up, that would be lovely. 

Hailey's POV

"Heather, where are we actually going? We've been wondering in these fields for hours." I asked my crazy girlfriend who drained the living soul out of Elise, and now Elise was apart of her. We were wearing black robes to 'camouflage' ourselves in the shadows. "I can smell them." she replied, as I suddenly spotted a lonely and cosy looking house on top of a field. I let go of Heather's hand immediately, not going any further. I would rather get eaten alive by Heather. "I'm not ruining a relationship, Heather." I told her in a strong tone. "We aren't going to ruin it. We are going to make it better by changing things up a little bit." she told me back, using her two fingers to show me what 'a little bit' meant. 

She then giggled like a little child would, and began skipping towards the house. 

I quickly followed, catching up with her. How the hell did she get so fast? From sucking the soul out of a old vampire? 

We got to the door of the innocent house, and I stood behind Heather/Elise. I didn't know if she was even Heather anymore. She was more like Elise. Heather was long gone, and she would never do this type of crazy shit...

"Trick or treat!" Heather playfully said to the young woman who answered the door. Her first victim. 

Clari's (Clarissa) POV

"Trick or treat!" this weird, bloodied woman said to me in the most creepiest way ever. She looked like she was in her 20s. Did she escape from an hospital or something? 

"I don't have treats, since it's not Halloween." I told her simply, getting ready to close the door on her to go back to bed with my new girlfriend since she was one of those clingy types and I loved her for it. The woman giggled at me, "Yes you do! You ARE the treat!" she told me before she exposed her fake fangs and pushed me down onto the ground with so much force that it knocked the air out of my lungs, causing me to gasp out. "Try not to make a sound, okay?" she gave me a order, and went down to my level, leaning down to my neck. 

Was I imagining things or was there another woman behind this freak? 

I felt teeth being sank into my flesh, widening my eyes. This was a dream, this was a dream, this was a...

Darkness. Complete darkness.

But then I woke up, rising back from the dead in the same body. Not in the same mind...

"You need human blood now, to complete your transformation." 


"Clari? Who are you talking to? I'm coming down..."

"Got to go. I'll come back in a couple of days."


// To be continued in The Consumed. 

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