Chapter Five

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Hailey's POV

I watched the young woman vanish into thin air, while Heather began walking towards the front door and opened it, coming outside. I stood completely still, my mouth slightly hung open from shock. I watched my girlfriend stand in front of me, gently brushing my hair away from my face. "Can I show you something in our bedroom?" she asked me, "Promise me that there's no dead bodies and I want to know who that woman is." I replied, "I promise you that there's no dead bodies and the woman you saw, gave me a gift." she told me back before I let out a deep sigh, not sure if I trusted Heather anymore. 

"Follow me, babe." she gave me a command before I had no choice but to follow her. I didn't want to anger her, even though she looked calm. When I went upstairs with her, I saw that the dining chair was moved to the side and the door was open but not for long as she pushed me into the room, towards the bed. Yep, she's a little bit angry still. Or hungry?

"Are you hungry?" I asked her, as I turned around to face her. "I'm hungry for you." she replied as she closed the door behind her, seeing the scratch marks and the dents. I sat down on the edge of the bed, in shock all over again as I stared at the mess that the woman caused. But I knew deep down that it was me that had locked her in here. Then, I snapped back into reality as I was watching Heather slowly come towards me, licking her blood stained lips as she was inhaling my scent. I fully moved onto the bed, trying to get away from her but it was no use. 

Her eyes were the most terrifying thing I have ever seen. Blood thirsty crimson orbs. 

I watched her go down on her hands and knees, giving me one of her smirks as she loved how scared I was. What the fuck did she become...

"What are those?" I asked her, pointing at her teeth as her canines weren't normal. They were like tiny daggers...

"They are fangs, babe. And I'm going to sink them into you. Right now..." she purred, before she sat down on my lap and leaned down to my neck, pressing gentle kisses against it as she was preparing me. And then it all came together.

Crimson red eyes, fangs, pale like a corpse...

She's a vampire.

She pressed her lips against mine for a few seconds, before she sank her fangs into my neck. 

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