Chapter Fifteen

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// I will be changing the book cover soon into something more fitting for this story. I think I could do better. 

Hailey's POV

I woke up with a small groan, feeling...not sore. Hm. That's interesting. I sat up slowly, seeing that Heather was next to me. "I'm sorry if yesterday was too much. I didn't know what I was thinking. A completely different person took over me, all because of your blood. I'm feeling so much fucking guilt, you got no idea." she apologised to me, before she sat up with me and tried to wrap an arm around me, but I pushed her arm away, not wanting to hear any of it. Not right now. "Elise is the leader of the vampires." I told her. 

Heather said nothing. So she knew all about it and didn't tell me. There goes our relationship. Mates or not, I didn't want to be near her. 

I got up from the bed, walking over to the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I turned over to the mirror and saw that the bite marks that were left, they have almost healed. I let out a deep sigh, and went to have my shower. 

A couple of minutes later, I finished with the shower and went back into the bedroom to get some clothes, not making any eye contact with Heather as she anxiously watched me move around the room. She knew that I was upset with her. I had to go on a mission to find out more about Elise. Skipping the boring parts of getting dressed and other stuff, I went downstairs and began to explore the mansion properly. 

I then came across a small library, which was next to a old study room. It was open, so I went inside and smelt the air for some strange reason. Maybe I was sniffing out for anything fucking poisonous. Luckily, there was no traps in here so I began to look through the books on the dusty bookshelves and picked out a book that had Elise's name on it. 

The book was red, as it was her favourite colour, obviously. It was also made from leather, so it's an ancient book. I opened the book to a page that was bookmarked by the leader herself and...

My theory was correct. She was the only vampire left until she found me and Heather. She wanted to repopulate her kind, through us. On the next page, there were stages. The first stage was complete, as Heather's been converted or turned, since that was the proper word for it in their language, the second stage was also complete as we have been marked by her...

The third and last stage was me...becoming one of them. There was also hand written notes beside it, saying that I'm the most rebellious human on earth. I giggled at that, then remembered to be silent as I didn't want her to find out that I was looking through her book. So, that was basically her plan. Oh, and she wanted to rule the world with us. Right...

I put the book away and went out of the library, then headed upstairs to tell Heather what I found and accept her apology. So I did exactly that.

"So, let me get this straight. You found a book that belonged to her, and inside were stages and some type of requirements?" she asked me, "Yep." I replied, nodding a little. "Are you going to carry on rebelling her?" she asked me, wanting to know. "Of course. I'm not letting her turn me. I'm going to try my best and resist." I told her my plan, before I quickly realised that in my brain...

I just made the dumbest mistake ever. 

Heather's vampire side would come out on the blood moon, and she would do anything in her power to make sure I get turned by Elise.

Well done, Hailey. You haven't got any brain cells. 

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