Chapter Six

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Hailey's POV

I woke up the next day, in a unknown place. I was in a bedroom, but whose bedroom? Was I in that woman's house? What even happened to me? Did I pass out? I must have done...

"My sleeping beauty is awake!" Heather cheered, causing me to look and saw that she was at the edge of the bed beside me, smiling happily. At least she showered. "Where am I? What did you do to me?" I immediately asked her some questions, "You are in Elise's amazing mansion and I drank from you. You passed out and I brought you here to start our new chapter." she replied. Why the hell was she so cheery all of a sudden? Wait, did she say that we were in a mansion? Someone called Elise? Who in the hell...

"Is Elise the one who...-"

"Yep. And I couldn't be happier. I feel so alive, babe." she told me, cutting me off. I then sat up and felt my neck. Two little holes. Great.

"She has a nice name, I'll give her that. Let me guess, is she rich?" I asked my creepy girlfriend, "You can say that. She told me her history. She's a unique person." she answered before she got up on the bed with me, still smiling. "Did you two kiss?" I asked her, "Not yet." she replied. Not yet? 

"You have a lot to learn, babe. About vampires. That's why I organised a little something so you can get to know Elise." she told me.

"Fuck off..." I said to her, before I turned around to face the wall until she goes away. "What's wrong, babe? I thought you would be happy?" she asked me, feeling her come close to me as I felt her press her front against my back, wrapping her arms around me. 

"Elise changed you. You aren't the person I fell in love with." I told her the cold hearted truth. Then, I looked at my promise ring that Heather gave me at prom. That felt like ages ago...

"You can love the new me..." she began to tell me tearfully, until I shook my head. "So that's our relationship done? All because of Elise?" she then asked me, "It's not over. I loved the human Heather." I told her. 

"Well, it looks like I have to leave you here so you can think about what you have just said. You broke my heart, babe." she said, before she moved away from me and left the room silently, until I heard the door close and lock behind me, making me instantly turn and yelled at the top of my lungs;


And then I broke down.

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