Chapter Eight

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// <3 (I am getting better health wise. I am on antibiotics until Wednesday.) 

Hailey's POV

I began shaking my head, until Heather gently grabbed my chin and pressed her lips against mine as in a reassurance that I would be okay. I then relaxed my body, kissing her back as I placed my hands on her sides. Immediately, a chill went down my spine as we kissed deeply before Heather moved down to my neck and sank her fangs into me. I watched Elise leave to give us some much needed privacy, as I let out a soft moan, giving in easily to my girlfriend. 

A minute later, she pulled away and leaned back so she could watch me. I placed my hand against my neck, feeling the sticky two bumps and looked at Heather's exposed scary fangs. She then wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a soft embrace. She muttered something under her breath quietly, something about me but I couldn't hear what she was saying. 

Then, she pulled away and got off me, only to pick me up bridal style and began taking me upstairs to the bedroom. "When you said 'our bedroom', does it mean that it is Elise's too?" I asked her, "Of course it is her bedroom as well. We will make lovely memories." she replied. Suddenly, I made Heather stop carrying me by elbowing her chest, causing her to drop me onto the floor of the bedroom and found myself crawling to the bed and getting up onto it, crawling to the top of it and grabbed a golden pillow, turning my head to look at a confused Heather. She tilted her head to the side, her fringe was stuck to her face from cold sweat. "You good?" I asked her, no response. But her eyes changed into a deep shade of alluring purple. 

Her pale, red lips then curled into a smile, a smile that sent chills down my spine as she crawled onto the bed towards me. I threw the golden pillow at Heather's face, seeing no flinch at all in her face. I grabbed another one but it was too late as Heather grabbed the pillow, causing us to have a mini pillow fight but we were tugging it in half, making the feather-y stuffing fly up everywhere. 

Once the feathers stopped falling down, Heather chuckled at me. "What the fuck is wrong with you, babe? Can't you see that you are scaring me shitless?" I asked her, before she touched my cheek, making me look into her eyes.

I began to resist, but resisting was hurting my brain so I let out a deep sigh, feeling myself calm down as if I was being put on a sedative. "I'm sorry for making a fuss." I apologised to her, "It won't happen again." I added. 

"Good girl. Now, let me take care of you. We will clean up the mess later..."

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