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Jimin had gotten the chance to really get to know Yoongi, a cup of hot water warming in his hands, head resting on the armrest, and conversing with the barista mindlessly about random topics that happened to float aboard. They talked about Jimin's failing dance career ("come on, you can't say it's failing, you haven't even graduated yet!" "I just know, Yoongi, I just know,") and about how he was trying to make up for it by maybe studying education on the side.

"Well, I think your dancing career shit will go just fine," Yoongi chuckled, getting up to replace Jimin's towel on his forehead for a cooler one. He took the one sitting on his head, walking over to the kitchen to rinse it with cold water, then twisting it dry. Before he set it back on Jimin's forehead, though, he laid a hand on it to check the temperature again.

He let out a satisfied hum. "It looks like your fever has actually gone down, which means you probably don't have to crash over tonight." Chuckling, Yoongi took the mug from him, setting it on the counter. "Unless it starts spikin' again, I think you're free to go back."

This time it was Jimin who let out a laugh. "What are you, a doctor?" Realization dawned on Jimin. "Wait, I never asked, did I? What do you major in? I know you work at the new cafe downtown, but what's your major? Or, what did you major in?"

"Haven't finished school yet," Yoongi snickered, sitting down beside Jimin when the dancer sat up. "I go to the arts school here. You know, the one near the cafe? Well, sort of. My roommate recently moved to Australia, but I guess he found his soulmate there? At least, that's what he told me. The whole thing was unclear, but I'm without a roommate right now."

"Wait, really?" Jimin interrupted, eyes wide and sparkly. "Mine too! He went to Australia for a trip and found his soulmate, so he's staying there, I think. Wait a minute, do you think our roommates were soulmates?"

The same astonished look was also painted on Yoongi's face as he mumbled a small "maybe..". Jimin would stare a little longer to admire the soft but defined features of the man's face, appreciate art a little until he suddenly looked back and Jimin had a little mini gay panic. He jumped a little before looking off to the side with a crazy red blush.

"I forgot I interrupted you! Also, do we go to the same school? How come I've never seen you there the three years I've been here?"

"That's probably why," Yoongi uncrossed his legs before crossing them again. "I'm a year above you, probably. Anyways, you wanted me to continue?" At Jimin's nod, he smiled fondly again, making Jimin's heart go all sorts of directions and ways.

"I'm an art major. Probably doesn't seem like it, but I'm really interested in coffee, so.. I hope to open my own cafe one day. Probably employ a couple of friends, something small, sort of. I don't plan on getting super rich and famous," Yoongi sighed. "I used to, though. Wanted to hit the top charts. An idol, of sorts? But, I found a bigger passion, so I guess you could say I dropped that dream."

Jimin's eyes went wider than they did before. "You did.. music? Like, sing?" He was impressed. God, this really was the man of his dreams.

"Nah, rapped. Produced a couple beats here and there. Played piano when I was young, but that was about it. Nothing important, though, because I don't plan on doing anything with it. I've gotten a new.. obsession, of sorts, with coffee, now. My friend, Namjoon actually rapped underground with me, but we both sort of left it aside." He let out a drawn out breath. "Ah, what it was like to be young.."

Giggling, Jimin bumped into Yoongi's shoulder playfully. "Shut up, if you're only a senior in college, you're barely in your twenties, like me. Twenty on the peak. But, you said, Namjoon? What's his last name?" What a small world it would be if this was also Jin's husband they were talking about. Jimin didn't know him personally, but met him at the wedding and a couple of times before and after.

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