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"He must be dreamy," Taehyung mumbled with a dazed gaze as Jin scoffed. "What?" Taehyung whined, furrowing his brow. "Can't I add some comments here?"

"That doesn't matter, but you're egging him on! This was so dangerous, you have no idea, Taehyung. Jimin told us he fainted, he fainted in an empty shop with only one worker, who knows what could've happened to him! Not only that, we told him to stay home, and guess what he didn't do? Stay at home." It didn't seem to sway Taehyung, because he completely ignored him, pegging Jimin for details. Being the respectful kid he was, though, Jimin sighed at Jin.

"You know, he took such good care of me! We really got to know each other, you know? I learned so much about him, and he learned a lot about me, too! Turns out we go to the same school, Jinnie, did you know that? He's a year above me, though."

Taehyung seemed to perk up at that, shaking Jimin's clothes. They were on the couch, Jimin's fever seeming to come down a little, still wrapped up in a blanket and a cooling gel sheet stuck on his forehead. "Wait, Jiminie here likes older men!" Jimin screeched, throwing a pillow at his best friend and Jin throwing a smack at him as well.

They were all laughing, though. "Tae!" Jimin groaned, tipping over in his little curled up position and falling down on the couch. "Don't say things like that!"

"But it's true--!" Taehyung sing-songed, and Jimin snorted.

They all fell asleep sprawled along the couch, legs tangled together in some way, shape, or form.

Since Jimin (accidentally) left his door unlocked, Namjoon got in quite easily.

He didn't break the door handle off, which was already great progress. Namjoon walked in, a little surprised, and ready to scold the careless three about leaving the door open so carelessly like that, but when he found them sleeping peacefully with smiles on their faces, he couldn't bear to, so he simply went back outside to buy them all some breakfast.

When he came back, they were still sleeping, but Jimin had woken up, dazed from sleep, the cooling gel strip still stuck to his head, but it was hanging lopsided from all the tossing and turning he probably did. With careful fingers, he peeled it off, and was pleasantly greeted by a hot, steaming bun.

"Hey, sorry, I remembered Jin talking about crashing over at yours, and I was about to swing by to pick him up, but your door was left unlocked." Namjoon tsked, and Jimin widened his eyes. He hadn't locked his door?

"But it's alright, it didn't seem like anyone else came in while you were knocked out. Good thing this place is guarded, right? A perk of living on school grounds, sort of." That's right, Jimin remembered. If you lived in a school district, there were gates and guards, and although the dorms and apartments weren't top tier penthouses or anything, they were still nice.

Because Jimin lived (or used to live) with a roommate, his place was considerably big, but he wouldn't be able to afford rent. God, that was right, what about rent?

Namjoon must've also seen his panic, because he waved him off. "It's okay, I know what you're thinking. I contacted the teachers, they have a new roommate coming in to move with you so you won't have to pay this whole big rent by yourself. He'll be coming along today or tomorrow to check the place out, move in, you know, the usual." Namjoon set the remaining steamed buns on the counter, the little puffs of steam fogging up the clear plastic bag they were put in. "Don't worry about it; we were friends back then, still are, of course, and I know he's a nice guy."

At this, Jimin straightened up. Yoongi knew Namjoon. Could it be that he was going to be his new roommate? The amount of coincidences he had bumped into with Min Yoongi was... Amazing. Almost unreal, in a way.

He glanced down at the ring of red on his pinkie. It looked no different, still slim as fuck, glistening and shiny, leading out the door and probably to a tree, Jimin thought. There wasn't anything different, at least, not that Jimin could see.

Was it possible to somehow.. form a soulmate after birth?

No way.

There was no way. Satellites or whatever in the myth and story books Jimin read were not just unheard of, but illogical.

"Wait, Mr. Kim," Jimin called out. "Is he.. Min Yoongi, by any chance?" Jimin's gut twisted. He really hoped it was the soft faced barista who loved coffee. His brain began twisting fantasies together; they could walk to school together, go to work together, maybe even go out for dates..

"Yeah, that's him. Have you met him?"

Jimin's heart sped up, and his cheeks blushed red.

At that moment, Taehyung shot up and shouted. "Jimin's boyfriend is moving in?" His hair was sticking out in all odd directions, so his best friend snorted, gesturing for him to come over so he could fix it, the younger scooting closer. "Really? Is your boyfriend really moving in?" Namjoon seemed confused at that. "Min.. Yoongi? Yoongi is your boyfriend, Jimin? Wait, how do you two know each other?"

Jimin shook his head quickly, hands still untangling Taehyung's hair probably pulling too hard for comfort, the latter screeching out before Jimin mumbled quick apologies. "No, no! We're not dating. We're.. Friends, though. Met him at the cafe he worked at, I fainted, probably, and he took care of me. That's all."

"No, they're definitely boyfriends. If not now then later." Taehyung huffed, and Jimin gave him a little pat on the back to tell him he finished, and he promptly flopped into Jimin's arms, snuggling closely to his friend.

Chuckling, Namjoon walked over and gathered Jin up, waking him up softly. "Well, if those two are boyfriends or will be boyfriends, I doubt he'd let you cling to his boyfriend like that, would he?"

Taehyung gasped scandalously. "No way! Jimin's boyfriend would simply have to come to the fact that me and Jimin are in--seper--ably." He tried to pronounce the word, only getting a sigh from Namjoon. "It's inseparable, Taehyung. But seriously, try not to joke around like that, Yoongi may be quite lenient, but he gets awkward quickly when you make him uncomfortable. He'll be coming around four to five today after most classes, is that alright, Jimin?"

The dancer nodded, getting up from Taehyung's grasp with a groan and a languid stretch. "Yeah, that's fine. Just tell him I'll be waiting, and he can just come right in."

"Will do, Jiminie. Take care, alright?" He took the now awake Jin by hand, leading him out as they closed the door carefully behind him.

After a pause, Taehyung turned to Jimin expectantly.

"You do have a crush on him, don't you?"

"... Shut up, Tae."




2022. 11. 05

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