Chapter One A RUMOR

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Florida 2008, October 30 a Friday.
"All right students, take out your text books." Mr. Wilson the social studies teacher said.
"Yo teach," John the jerk yelled.
"Yes, John?" Mr.Wilson answered.
"Why do we learn this stuff, I don't need school, I don't need to learn dumb junk or past things!" John screamed, "F### you man!"
"Go to the principal's office now!" Mr. Wilson yelled back.
"Ha, bossing me around," John muttered silently to himself.
"Woah, that was crazy!" Robby said to himself. (The main character, not John, take the L John Hahahah)
The school bell rings.
"Everyone I'm having a party at my house people!" John yelled on the speaker!
"Hey get off the speaker you dummy!" The vice principal yelled who is called Mr. Ferret. (Weird name for a dude)
"Oh no!" Robby muttered to himself.
"Yeah,pee-pl-ple. John try to talk being pull away from the speaker by Mr. Ferret.
As Robby and his friends, Max and Peter walk to Mr. Wilson they asked a question about the subject because school just ended.
"What if somebody open the chest of Bruce?" Robby and his friends asked.
"Than we would be doom because legend has it that a dumbbell will open it soon which is a rumor," Mr. Wilson said clear his throat to continue, "I think John is the dumbbell to open Bruce's chest because he is really stupid and the legend has it that the most stupid person will open the chest."
"Thanks Mr.Wilson," Max told him.
"You are the best," Peter told him after Max and they left.
"When does the social studies club start?" Robby asked.
"Next week," Mr. Wilson said.
"Thank you have a good weekend!" Robby told him.
"You too!" Mr. Wilson yelled so Robby could here him.
"Just hope John is not the dummy who opens Bruce's chest because if he does, we might be dead," Robby muttered to himself.

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