Chapter Six TIME OF DOOM

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The cops pulled the crew off to the side.
"Car Lisence please," The cop said who was name Carl because of his name tag.
"Crazy story, I will make it short, okay?" Peter said.
."Hmmm, fine go ahead," Carl said.
"So there was a party and a dummy open the chest of Bruce the book killer and we're fighting him and getting away from hi-"
"I'm back suckers!" Boah said and the cop shot him ten times.
"What the hell?" Carl said, "I believe you.
"I stabbed twice and one in the heart, how is he not dead?" Robby said.
"Man this body is boring, I want to be a cop now hahahahaha!" Boah said transforming to Bruce again and then into posseing Carl's body and transformed into Barl.
"Run while you still can kids! Hahahahaha!" Barl yelled.
Max started the car and speeded up but, it was too late. Barl was on the car banging the car.
"Losers think you can rid of me, huh, well you are wrong, dead wrong hahahahaha!" Barl yelled on the car.
Max speeded up faster and faster but Barl grip on for dear life like a cat about to fall off of furniture. The crew was terrified by this and everyone yelled. Barl broke the top of the car and everyone was kicking at him and then grab Robby's left foot by the ankle.
"Ahhhh!" Everyone yelled in fear.
Everyone started kicking at Barl but, it would not work.
"Everyone get out of the car now!" Peter yelled, lighting on a lighter.
Everyone jump off the car and fell to the ground. Peter threw the lighter into the car and of course the car exploded. Car pieces going everywhere. Peter's plan work!
"It work Peter, it work!" Max told Peter.
"No problem man," Peter responded.
Out of a sudden, Barl came out of the fire burning.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," He yelled.
"You will pay!" Bruce yelled getting out of Carl's body that was burning to a crisp.
Bruce didn't get burn or was hurt he regenerated himself to heal.
"He is supposed to be dead!" Mr. Wilson said giving up hope.
"Hahaha stupid humans, I'm already dead and besides I just kill 32 people while on the chase to find you guys, with the cop involved and the nerd it is 34 humans dead tonight, maybe the bully lived his fall, Wait the father which makes it 35 dead humans, hahahahahha!"
Merisa show up with garlic and threw it at Bruce, which he dodge.
"More murder, more!" Bruce yelled and than drew a sharp knife and wrote Mr.Wilson's full name down.
"Bye, bye Mr. Wilson," Bruce told him and then Mr. Wilson got stabbed in the chest with the knife.
Mr. Wilson who was bleeding already was killed right in front of a few of his students.
"Noooooo!" Merisa yelled and after did the others too.
"We will get our revenge for Mr.Wilson," Robby said.
"You were my favorite students e-e-e-e-ev-ev-ev-eve-eve-ever," Mr. Wilson said slowly and then left us.
The crew went to find a weapon store to earn revenge for their teacher.

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