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Robby, Peter and Max woke up.
"Where are we?" They all ask.
"I told you all and the friends were going to sleep again when an old friend comes back into the area "Bob"
Bod came up belated the fluff out of Bruce.
"Think you escape me like this, no, I need my revenge!" Bob yelled.
Bruce was getting his book but out of a sudden, Bob threw his book in the fire burning the book and a entire gas station nearby that fire went exploding everywhere but than the fire got on other stores and burned as well.
"My book!" Bruce yelled.
"Who laughing now!" Bob yelled back.
"Nooooooo!" Bruce yelled with smoke coming out of his ears.
"No," Bruce said with the I-will-kill-now-right-here face.
Bob Bruce starting fighting each other like they were punching bags to each other.
"Back up kid!" Justin yelled.
"What he said!" Mr. Ferret yelled after him.
"I never die dummy, hahahahahaha!" Bruce yelled saying the truth for once actually.
"I am scared, I want to go home!" Merisa yelled.
"No you are not!" Grace told her.
Bruce got hit hard in the face by Bob and cause to go back to a memory.
"Lucy?" Bruce said, "William?"
"Been living in the gangsta's paradise huh?" William said.
"Were you huh, talk to us!" Lucy added after William.
Bruce teared up.
"I never meant to kill them, I'm sorry!" Bruce yelled at them.
"Lies!" They both said.
"I mean it!" Bruce yelled.
"You know what, what are friends for?" Bruce slowly told them.
"Don't leave Bruce," Lucy softly said.
"Yeah man," William added on after Lucy.
"Remember this, you made a murder, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!" Bruce yelled like a crazy person and did not stop for a while.
"Goodbye dear friends. Bruce told Lucy and William and than walked away.
Bruce comes back and out of the flashback and tears up.
"Guys he is tearing up!" Bob yelled.
"Weird," Peter said.
"Strange," Max said agreeing.
"Awkward," Robby added and agree as well.
"My friends," Bruce told himself, "Were fake friends,"
Bruce tear up and than stopped tearing up.
"We have to move on don't we the both of us hahahahahahahaha!" Bruce told everyone.
Bob punch him and than another but miss and then Bruce grabbed his arms and threw them and Bob went flying again. THUMP!
"Not again," Mr. Wilson said.
"I have my own magic as well you know," Bruce told everyone, "The book was not the only source of magic for me, hahahahahhahahhahahahahaha!"
"We need to knock him out again!" Robby said.
"We need a different approach," Peter told Robby.
"Bruce is getting away!" Max told them.
"How much time do I have left?" Bruce checked a clock, " Eleven thirty!"
Bruce floated away much faster than the fastest person alive.
"Need to get away!" Bruce told himself.
"Get him!" Everyone yelled.
Bruce look back down.
"What is a true friend?" Bruce questioned himself, "What is my purpose in life?"
"I wonder," Bruce continued to talk to himself.

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