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"Breaking news, police found a body who they identify as Luke Balard Abraham, who was stab by a sharp knife the caller for nine one one is not here so we think the caller is the murder we get data from the knife get evidence stay tune on Dog newspaper," a reporter said on tv as Robby, Max and Peter hear when buying energy drinks in a deli store from a ole lady who is Mrs. Ferret who Robby and his friends visit often.
"No way," they all said except Mrs.ferret who went to talk to her fellow employees about the news.
"How did we let this slide, why," Robby yelled to himself.
It's not your fault man, it is not your fault," Max said.
Peter stay in silence not saying any words not even one word or a letter. As the friends were stunned the news came back with phone encounter with a ghost.
"Help me please, there is ghost here I think it is Bruce the book killer please come help me I'm scared please, I have a family, you know what I'm not going to make so I will say this to everyone I love, I love you all my family, you were the best family, my friends were the best friends I had, and my students were my best students ever, goodbye," said the voice. "My name is Gabriel Wilson or what my students called me Mr. Wilson,"
"Mr. Wilson!" The boys yelled and ran towards the school.
As they ran they saw some light on in the school so they followed the light that led Noah the nerd and Bob the bully.(got to make the characters fit in wait for more characters to show up)
"Hello dummies!" Bob told the friends.
"Bob, did you know if you are kind you will get good luck, that's what we learn in social studies from that group of peo-ahhhhhh!"
The five boys look down to see Grace, the teacher pet's Marisa and Mr. Wilson who was bleeding badly and almost knock out cold.
"He did it Mr. Wilson he had the chest and open it!"  Robby, Max and Peter said altogether at the same time.
"I knew he had it and would open it," Mr. Wilson responded.
"What are you guys talking about?" The others said.
"In social studies we learn about evil spirits and we are facing Bruce the book killer and he did this to me, do not give him your name because if you do, you are his puppet," Mr. Wilson spoke out.
"Hahahahahahah I'm back, oh hello old friends and new friends," Bruce said.
"Say hello to the fists of Bob Shorzt Robinson," Bob yelled.
Bruce drew something quickly and wrote Bob's full name down.
"Take this Bob!" Bruce yelled.
Bob stop running he was in the air, he had no gravity on him. Out of a sudden Bob got threw out of a window and yelled, hitting Noah's head hard that he got knockout. Noah was still in the room But Bob was not.
"Ahhhhhhh" Bob yelled and cried. Soon there was a big, THUMP!

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