I / Old Enemys

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"Flora! Flora," Miele screams through the large corridors of the Royal Castle of Lynphea. At the beginning of Flora's work as a protective fairy, Miele was overwhelmed by the magnificently designed castle. The castle is guarded outside by the blackberry bushes, which only let people with good intentions in. In addition, tendrils ornate around the castle, where violet lilies grow.

With big steps, she stomps to the consulting room. The room has a large door that stands out among the others, as it is decorated with more vines than the others. It is also much wider and higher.

Miele stops when she sees a soldier standing in front of her and he asks: "Hey little one, what are you looking for here? Shouldn't you be at school?"

First, she examines the soldier who also looks at her. He wears a dark green uniform decorated with lighter frills.

Miele is still breathing heavily but finally answers: "I am Miele and my sister is the protective fairy of Lynphea." She tries to prevent herself from grinning with pride and waits for a response from the soldier.

He bends down so that he is at the same height with Miele and says: "So if that's so... The meeting is almost over, I personally would let you in, but then I'll probably never be here again."

Miele looks at the floor disappointed and trots down the hallway again. When she goes around the next corner, she stops and applies a bit of magic. She whispers: "snoring tendrils!" She risks a look around the corner and sees tendrils forming behind the soldier. They quickly wrestle around his nose. As soon as he inhales, he collapses. With a proud grin, Miele sprints to the door and tears it open.

All eyes on her, Miele says: "Flora! Is it true? Are you leaving again?" Then she is looked at by Queen Rachel and her gaze shows great outrage: "Young lady, what are you thinking, interrupting us?" Miele is only now becoming aware of which people she is currently doing a scene here. The meeting room has a large window through which the warm-looking sun shines. There are six columns in the room, on which tendrils memage.

The politically tense mood is interrupted by Miele and after a long silence Flora rises and says: "Dear colleagues, Majesty I'm sorry. Can I talk to my sister for five minutes?" The royal adviser, Zach, looks up annoyed and answers: "We would have finished without this disturbance, see you tomorrow." Flora smiles a little embarrassed and looks angry at her sister. "Thank you, have a pleasant day," says Flora embarrassed.

As they walk along the hallway, Flora punishes her sister with silence. Miele lowers her head and murmurs: "Flora, I'm sorry. I didn't want to shame you... I was just angry, as Princess Krystal came to my school today to introduce herself as a new protective fairy. And... If there is a new protective fairy, then you will probably leave again." Miele looks up to her sister with hope and she sighs. "Miele... Yes, Krystal will be our new protective fairy. But I don't know what I'll do afterwards. Let's go home, there will be food right away. Then you can first explain to Mum and Dad that you skipped school." Miele's gaze turned back to the ground and the two walk home in silence.

In the evening, Flora goes to the water stairs. Once there, she sees Helia already sitting at the edge of the clear water. The water staircase has become a kind of meeting place for both of them, since Flora is permanently in Lynphea as a protective fairy. Helia has decided to continue his training at the Red Fountain, but he visits it at every opportunity. When they see each other, they both smile. After a hug, Flora announces the news: "Helia... You know Princess Krystal, don't you?" Helia looks at her in amazement and answers: "Yes, of course. What about her?" Flora looks at the glittering water and answers with a pleased voice: "She moved to Alfea and was actually a very good fairy. So good that she has already received her Enchantix and her degree. Thus, she will also replace the new protective fairy of Lynphea and me." Helia smiles briefly, but then looks serious again: So that's... Wow! I really didn't expect that. What are you going to do now?" Flora smiles, looks Helia in the eye and finally answers: Everything I want. Everything is open to me and I am free from any duty. Somehow that's a nice feeling!" Helia smiles at her, puts his arm around her and the two look together into the sinking sky. The water glitters and the sky shimmers red.

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