IV / United

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I finally get out of here," Stella shouts joyfully through the large hallway of the palace when she read the letter from Musa and Flora. "Cat, did you hear that! I can finally get out of here," the fairy screams in the ear of one of her soldiers.

After the tragedy with Countess Kassandra, the people have been more loyal and honest than ever before.

Every now and then there is a civil dispute, but nothing serious. Stella's year as a protective fairy was pretty boring. Stella walks along the hallway, on the way to the throne room.

"Daddy, Daddy! Look," she shouts to her father from a distance. Stella jumps to her father with happy steps and hands him the letter.

Dear Winx!

As you know, Flora and I are on a mission on Earth.

Now guess who's back?

The Trix.

And joking aside, we need your help.

We will meet tomorrow at the beach of Gardenia. Yes-Gardenia!

Bloom, you will be happy (and we really need your navigation skills)!

Comes inconspicuous.

Especially you, Stella!

Remember: no magic.

You will get details when you are here! (Spoiler: We have the fairy!!)

-Kisses Flora & Musa

The king of Solaria gives the letter back to his daughter and says: "I am happy for you, my little star."

"You're glad I'm leaving again," Stella asks.

"My child, I know that this world is far too small for you. You are no longer happy here and need an adventure again," explains Stella's father.

The sun and moon fairy culps a tear over his cheek and she hugs her father: "Oh daddy. I love you so much."

"I love you too, little star," her father whispers.

Stella made an appointment with Brandon because he got free for the mission. Since there is no danger for Magix at the moment, Timmy and Sky are also allowed to come along.

"Brandon," Stella shouts across the landing site and runs into her friend's arms. "Save yourself a few more hugs," Brandon jokes.

Then Stella dissolves again and discovers Bloom, Aisha and Tecna. Stella stands rigidly for a second and then says: "No. You didn't tell me anything! Oh girls, I missed you so much!" The four run towards each other and hug each other. In all of them, even one or the other tear flows.

"Let's make Musa and Flora cry," jokes Stella.

"God how much I missed your inappropriate jokes," says Tecna. "Let's go, I finally want to see the two," Aisha exclaims from board.

"Nabu is also there," Bloom explains. "Yes, the two spent a romantic year together on Andros," adds Tecna.

"Uhhh I need details," Stella is happy.

"Everything calm down, girls," says Sky.

Stella looks at Sky and approaches him: "Shouldn't you govern Eraklyon or something like that?" Sky smiles and answers the effervescent blonde: "Yes, so my parents realized that I should first enjoy my life and that's why I'm king, but my parents rule for me."

"Ohh Bloom, did you hear? Your boyfriend is still king," she shouts to her best friend.

When the friends arrived on earth, Stella already learned everything she missed and is ready to describe every little detail to Musa and Flora.

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