V / The betrayal of the elves✔️

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The Winx are at a loss: how can they get to Roxy?
"Winx, I really can't think of anything else," Bloom says, still tired.
Stella fixes her hair and says, "Well, I don't think my idea is bad at all..."
"Stella, we can't cast a spell on her," Flora retorts, visibly indignant.
"She has to want it and she has to believe in herself," Bloom adds.
"It wasn't that hard with you either," Riven interjects.
"But I've always been a dreamer, too, and deep down I've always believed in fairies," Bloom explains.
Suddenly, a hologram of their principal appears before the delights, "Good morning, girls-and-boys."
"Good morning," replies a weary chorus.
"Ninfea demands that Roxy be taken to Magix immediately. She had asked me to tell you," the old fairy tells them.
"But Roxy is not ready yet," Aisha explains.
"Yes, it will take a while," Sky supports.
Faragonda takes a deep breath and then replies, "I'm not thrilled either, but Ninfea is very persistent.... Sorry girls, I have another meeting with Saladin now, have a successful mission you!"
The friends wave and Riven says, "It didn't work the easy way and now it'll just have to work the hard way- I don't think that's bad."
"Motivational words out of your mouth-a miracle," Stella calls sarcastically to the group and she begins to laugh incessantly.
The others get up unnoticed and walk into the soon-to-be kitchen.
"Did we buy the house for nothing now," Musa asks.
"No, we're staying here," Aisha replies.
"We shouldn't disobey an order from Miss Faragonda," Tecna says.
"And that's exactly why Ninfea sent you ahead, too," Aisha explains.
"So we just ignore the order," Flora asks.
"There's no other way," Musa says.
"Oke girls, we're late," says Brandon. "Right! You guys are working now," Tecna says with a laugh. At the end of their job search, Riven and Nabu have also found a job opening at a restaurant.
The other Winx also smile a little, but after a moment they say goodbye to their friends.
"Are you leaving," a stern voice asks.
"You were laughing so beautifully, I didn't want to"-.
"Do you think I'm going to let you get away? You're saying goodbye sensibly now," Stella interrupts her friend.
She puts on a smile again and the two kiss goodbye.

"What's the plan," the sun/and moon fairy asks her friends.
"We ignore Faragonda's order," Musa says.
"Oh-ok," Stella replies, perplexed.
"Now let's finally design our dream mansion," exclaims Aisha.
"I have an idea," Flora mentions.
Her friends look at her excitedly and the nature fairy explains: "We are on earth. I think we should, like normal people, decorate our house-without magic!"
"I think that's good," Bloom supports her friend. Musa also likes the idea.
"Oh come on," grumbles the blonde. "Don't worry Stella, we're going shopping for now," says Bloom. The sun/ moon fairy looks at her friend with stars in her eyes until Bloom adds, "At the hardware store."
The other Winx laugh and Stella smirks, too.
"How did we get there, anyway," Musa asks.
"Our boys took care of that," Stella exclaims happily.
"Just come outside with me," she adds.
Arriving at their large paved parking lot, the fairies spot a large white sedan.
"No! That's amazing!" the girls exclaim in amazement.
"Where on earth did they get that," asks Flora.
"Nabu did some magic and turned a little junk Toyota into this gem," Stella explains.
"We have enough money, don't we," Musa says.
"Oh girls, you know that with our dear Stella, even this fortune won't last long," Bloom explains with a laugh.
"Very funny, Bloom," Stella replies and the girls laugh.
"I'll drive then," decides the sun/ moon fairy.
"Do you know how to drive," Aisha asks.
"I've dreamed of driving before, so-yes," says the blonde.
"Stella," the Winx chorus, "You don't drive, let Aisha drive!"
Stella looks sadly at the ground, but then sits down in the limo.
Aisha drives her friends safely through the streets and Bloom serves as her navigator.
"Here it is. You can pull in on the right," Bloom says.
Aisha parks with a perfect turn and as they get out, the Winx collect skeptical looks from people.
"Do you think it's smart to draw so much attention to us," Flora asks.
"No," Tecna answers dryly.
The friends enter the market and take three carts.
"Get ready for the biggest purchase ever 'Bauhaus', here we come," says Aisha and her friends smile nodding.

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