II / A new mission

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Musa has already received a letter from Galatea telling her that she has completed Alfea and becomes Melody's new protective fairy.

Musa didn't know at first if she should be happy or if she should be sad, but now she is happy.

She would finally see the Winx again.

Immediately after reading the letter, she asks if other fairies have received their Enchantix and graduated from school. Full of joy, she shouts: "Yes! Flora will also be replaced! Oh, I'm so happy!"

What she doesn't like is the fact that she has to explain to her father that she will leave Melody again.

Sora and Harmonia also became their good friends during Musa's year as a protective fairy as their constant companions. She meets them every weekend in her own café called Melodica. Musa designed the café like the castle, of which her mother always told her stories. She opened it when she returned to Melody. Meanwhile, the music fairy has hired Tulisa, one of her best friends, as a manager. It's Saturday and the three friends are already looking forward to their breakfast together. Except for Musa, as she knows that she will leave Melody again, because she loves to save the world.

Musa runs towards her café and already when she enters she sees her friends waving to her.

"Tomorrow, girls," Musa says excitedly and sits down.

Sora and Harmonia have already ordered Musa's favorite drink. "Thank you," says Musa tensely.

She does not dare to address the topic, but after a last look through the window into the sky, she has the necessary courage. She sits up and says: "So, there's something you should know..." Sora and Harmonia stop sipping their smoothies and look at Musa expectantly. Musa looks at her friends and continues: "I will be replaced as a protective fairy. This means that I'll probably go away to visit the Winx." Sora puts down her glass to answer Musa, but Harmonia precedes her: "Musa... We knew for a long time that this day would come." Actually, she wanted to keep talking, but Harmonia interrupts her: "Yes, since we were able to prepare, we decided to let you go when you visit us monthly!" Sora raised her finger and added Harmonia: "Provided you don't save the magical dimension again..." The girlfriends laugh together and have a nice breakfast.

At noon, Musa meets her father to go for a walk with him.

After Ho-Boe found out that Riven does not correspond to the prejudices he formed before, he even got along well with him.

However, this changed when he found out that Riven attacked Musa in the fight for Domino.

Since then, Riven has not been allowed to see Musa, but she can't be stopped.

"Dad," says Musa questioningly. "Yes, Musa," her father replies. Musa stops and watches the water for a moment and then raises her voice: "Soon I will no longer be Melody's protective fairy and leave." Ho-Boe looks at his daughter and smiles understandingly: "I know, I also received a letter. It's all good." Musa smiles and hugs her father. They walk a little more and then have lunch together.

"Musa, call me back. I'm off work earlier today and I'm flying to Melody. We can meet in Violin Park from half past five," Musa hears from her answering machine. She immediately calls Riven and agrees.

But first Musa goes home again.

She lives at the Liederwerft in a small hut-like house, which is located near the river. It is a little off the beaten track and there is the perfect balance between rest and bird song.

Musa enters her humble hut and looks at her wardrobe. She finds a blue midi skirt and a red crop top. Musa brushes her hair and braids it into two braids. Finally, she takes a loose red bracelet and a silver chain with a treble clef as a pendant.

Winx-The Power of Confidence (Eng)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat