[6] Rest

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After minutes have passed, everyone was now in the living room. Including Alice. Gold was in the kitchen with Kyran, cooking dinner.

Rachel looks over at the stairs, seeing Alec walk down them.

Rachel: How's Funneh?

Alec walks over towards Rachel.

Alec: She's just fine. She's a little exhausted, that's all. I'll bring her up some food.

Rachel: That's good.

Alice looks over at Alec, getting up from the couch and walking his way.

Alice: I nearly forgot to thank you for taking care of Funneh when I'm incapable of doing so.

Alec: Don't worry about it, Alice. I'm doing what any boyfriend would do for there girlfriend that's in pain.

Alec smiles, Alice stares at him for a little bit before also giving off a smile.

Alice: I'm excited to see were you guy's go in the future.

Alec laughs.

Alec: Well- We both plan on trying to attend the same college and...Well, see were we get from there.

Alice: Oooo, how exciting! What are you aiming for?

Alec: I'm aiming to be an engineer.

Alice: Woah- That's so cool!

Rachel: Makes it even better when he's extremely math smart AND science smart.

Alice: Really? Dang. Looks like you don't have to worry about not making it.

Everyone laughs.

Gold: Alec, I got Funneh's dish ready to go.

Alec turns around, facing Gold.

Alec: Okay.

Alec walks inside the kitchen. Gold turns towards him, handing him a plate along with a glass of orange juice.

Gold: Tell Funneh she doesn't have to go to school tomorrow. It's best if she stays in bed. Okay?

Alec: Of course.

Alec turns away before walking over near the stairs and heading up.

Alice: I forever want to keep him.

Rachel: Well, you don't have to worry about not keeping him. He isn't going nowhere.

Everyone laughs.


Alec slowly starts to open Funneh's door. Peeking inside, the room was completely dark. All the light that was coming through was the light coming from the cracked opened door. Alec walks over towards Funneh, quietly sitting on the side of her bed. He sets down her plate and orange juice on her side table. He reaches over towards her head, moving her hair behind her ear.

Alec: Babe?

Alec was trying his best to talk in a soothing, quiet voice.

Funneh slowly starts to open her eyes, looking up at Alec.

Alec: Hi, sorry to wake you, i brought food up for you and uhm- Gold wanted me to tell you that it was best if you stay home tomorrow.

Funneh sits up.

Funneh: Why? I'm completely fine. I can go to school.

Alec sighs, he looks down at the floor before looking back up at Funneh.

Alec: Funneh, we care a lot for you, we absolutely need your presence. But you have to look after yourself. Your health. Just please...Stay home, for me?

♡Lemons // YHS (Book 2!!)♡Where stories live. Discover now