[15] Movie Night 2

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Rachel: Then, about a year later- He met you. I was extremely skeptical. But he convinced me otherwise. But, here we are and I'm glad with my decision.

Funneh gives off a smile before slowly dropping it.

Funneh: Wait, first things first. Do they go to our school?

Alec: Uhm, two I believe. Then the other two are homeschooled.

Funneh: Good to know.

Alec: Why?

Funneh: Hm? Oh. No reason.

Rachel starts laughing.

Rachel: This is what I mean by absolutely loving Funneh. God, Funneh, if s*it go down. Let someone video it then send it to me.

Funneh: Of course.

Alec: Wait- Don't start s*it....Unless I'm there. Duh.

Gold: Funneh, I think you should just go up to one of them and rip off there wig.

Kyran: God d*mn, of course Gold went with the wig phase.

Gold: Isn't that what good friends are for?

Alice sighs.

Alice: Guess I'll be expecting a suspended letter....or an expelled letter.

Rachel: Be expecting the second option.

Everyone laughs.

Alice: Please do it at the very end of school. I mean...You won't be exactly expelled with High school. You'll already be a graduate. Now, be careful when your in College. That won't look so good on your papers.

Funneh: I know, wasn't planning on ruining college. Now...the last day of High school is a different story.

Alice chuckles.

Alice: I know you can get in so much trouble and I should be parenting and telling you not to do so. But I really want to see how this ends.

Funneh: I take after you.

Alice: Hey. Definitely not the fighting technique. I don't know who taught you that s*it.

Funneh: I... Literally learn from you. Including fighting.

Alice: ....Fine. But who taught you how to use a knife? I didn't teach you how to fight with a k-

Funneh points at her.

Alice: Okay, maybe I did but-

Funneh smiles.

Alice: Okay, maybe there is no "but".

Funneh laughs.

Funneh: You literally taught me a lot of things.

Rachel: You taught her how to fight AND how to fight with a knife? That's pretty bad*ss.

Alice: Got to teach them young, you know?

Rachel: Dang. I would have taught Alec and Aly young too, but I barely knew how to hold a knife then. So, I never did. But later on in life, Alec seemed to find himself enjoying doing these fake knives fights and other sorts. Which is like yeah, cool, learning yourself. Pretty epic. 

Funneh: Oo! Speaking of Alec! Hand me a knife!

Alice: Uhm- Okay?

Alice looks behind herself, seeing on the table a normal knife. More like a steak knife. She started to swing it different ways.

Alice: Woah! Who taught you that?

Funneh: Alec did! A technique i never knew i needed to learn.

Funneh laughs.

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