[8] Sorry..

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Rachel heard her doorbell constantly keep going off. She jogs over before swinging her door wide open. Just as she was about to yell, the person came in. Grabbing Rachel by the shoulders. It was Alice, of course.

Rachel: Alice? What the hell are you doing here?!

Alice: We need to talk.

Rachel: Talk? You barged into my home so we can talk? I knew it. Your entire family is crazy!

Alice sighs.

Alice: Just listen to me. I don't care if you hate my daughter. I don't CARE if you think my family is crazy. But if you don't listen. Your son's life is at stake.

Rachel: His life is already at stake. What's your point?

Kelvin: Rachel.

Both Alice and Rachel turn there heads.

Kelvin: Listen to her. You have to understand, only her daughter can save our son and Gold. We physically can't.

Rachel: Excuse me?

Alice: Rachel, please.

Rachel looks at Alice then Kelvin.

Rachel: ...Fine, but you gotta explain fast.

Alice: Of course.


They were all sat in the living room, along with Aly and Draco.

Rachel: Start spilling.

Alice sighs.

Alice: I've just got done speaking with Funneh. We all came in terms that... It's life or death. It's either Yandere lives, Funneh dies or Funneh lives. Most would be bothered that they'll die. But Funneh- It's like she knows she won't make it out alive. But...In order to make this not true, we have to work together, wether you like us or not.

Rachel: I-

Aly: I'm in.

Rachel: Aly?

Aly: I'm not losing Alec. Not again. If I get one more chance to give my thank you, I'm willing to take it.

Rachel started tearing up.

Kelvin: We do this together... Rachel?

Rachel slowly looks up before getting up.

Rachel: Let's get them back.

Alice smiles in relief, just before she starts receiving a phone call.

Alice pulls out her phone, checking the name.

Alice: It's Bailey. I wonder why she's calling.

Alice answers her phone, putting it on speaker.

Alice: Hello?

Bailey: Alice!!!

Alice: Woah woah! Calm down, tell me what's wrong?

Bailey: It's Funneh! I don't know what's wrong but!- She's gone mad or something! She's trashing her room! She's hurting herself! Hurry!

Alice: I'm on my way!

Alice hangs up before looking up at Rachel.

Alice: She needs someone that's close to Alec, it had to be you Rachel. You've got to talk to her.

Rachel: M-Me?

Alice: Please.

Rachel sighs.

Rachel: ...Fine, let's go.

♡Lemons // YHS (Book 2!!)♡Where stories live. Discover now