Chapter 59

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The next day Noro got up surprisingly early. The rain had cleared off and everything was deliciously fresh and clean. Water dripped off of the leaves of trees as Noro walked beneath them, and she felt cool and refreshed.

Sesshomaru had been absent when she had awoken.

It was puzzling, Noro thought as she walked, in a sort of hurtful way, but it couldn't be helped. The only reason that the demon lord had been comforting her in the first place was so she didn't disturb Rin and the others. It wasn't as though he enjoyed it or anything. She kicked a stone.

The woman wasn't an idiot. After the incident with Sara, Noro had examined her feelings and had begun to realize her growing fondness for the dai-yokai. But there wasn't anything to be done about it. He was a demon, she was a human.

She ducked under a branch. Even if Sesshomaru liked her back in that way, he wouldn't let anything come of it. She knew how he felt about his father and what he did. The demon was too stubborn to change his views that easily. If Noro ever confessed, he might let her stay for Rin's sake, but their relationship would be irrevocably damaged. He'd never speak to her the same way ever again, if at all. And that was something that Noro didn't think that she could live without anymore.

Then, the sound of frantic splashing interrupted her ruminations.

Following the noise, Noro came upon the jagged remained of a once pristine waterfall. Water trickled out from various places in-between huge, broken chunks of stone. And then Noro saw it.

The brilliant white stallion was covered in cuts, and its coat was caked with mud and blood. The water that dammed up around it steamed and hissed as it struggled to free itself from between two large boulders. But it was no use; its hind leg was pinned, and every time it tried to move, the jagged rocks would dig into the stallions leg.

In awe of the creature, Noro took a step forward, and the noise drew the demons attention. She barely met the horse's wild gaze before it sent a stream of fire at her. She ducked, the attack missing her by inches.

Staying out of the now even more agitated demons sight, Noro spoke up.

"I can help you get free if you stop attacking me," she called.

She could practically feel the demons response in the following silence. "Why should I trust you? Who's to say that you won't capture me or kill me?"

"Look buddy," she replied, "you're just gonna have to trust me. What choice do you have?" She poked her head up to look at the beast. "Sure you may have fire breath and stuff, but you're trapped here. If I wanted to kill you it'd be pretty easy."

The horse tossed its head back haughtily. Noro raised an eyebrow.

"Uh-huh, doubt it. Look, if you want me to leave you alone I will," she said. "But everyone else around here will probably see you as a danger and kill you. Your choice."

There was tense moment where Noro thought that the it was going to breath fire at her again, but then the demon horse gave a great sigh and relaxed, lowering its head. Noro nodded. "That's what I thought. Now, let's get you out."

She put her hands on her hips as she looked at the steaming water before her. The demons fire had raised the streams temperature to a near boiling point, and Noro had no wish to be cooked by the heat. She'd need to be very careful.

Leaping from rock to rock, she slowly made her way over to the demon. The horses eyes followed her, clearly unimpressed with her skills.

Noro's eyes focused on the last jump. The stone she needed to land on was right by the demon, and was slick with mud and gravel. If she didn't get her jump just right, she would definitely fall into the water. She jumped.


Yeah did I ever mention that I was a weird horse kid back in middle school? Entei was one of my favorite horses; just so COOL!!!

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