Chapter 23

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The next day, Rin could clearly see that something had happened. Usually there was banter. Noro would be gently testing Sesshomaru's limits, with seemingly hilarious results when he reacted. The talk might be mostly one sided, but the two of them had seemed to be content with that arrangement.

But today, Noro had barely spoken two words to the dai yokai, and even refused to look at him.

It saddened Rin that her two favorite grown ups were fighting, and she spent most of the morning in a contemplative silence.

"Rin, look, there's the village. Why don't we go and see what their market has in wares; what do you think?"

It took the small girl a moment to realize that Noro was speaking to her. Rin looked up.

"Umm, yeah, sure."

The woman looked skeptical. "It that so? You don't sound so convinced yourself."

Her tone was teasing, but concern shone though in her eyes.

Rin shook her head. "No, I'm sure," she defended herself, "I want to go!"

Noro smiled. "Now that's more like it."

She turned, and nearly ran into Sesshomaru, who had apparently crept up on them.

"You won't be going."

Noro still had a smile on her face, but Rin could tell that the woman was close to hurling fists as she told the demon lord, "I don't remember asking for your permission your highness."

Jaken keeled over from the insult, and Rin felt sorry for the demon. Just one turn of phrase, and the imp was out. Must be hard, living with such a handicap.

Thinking about the small demon, Rin almost missed Sesshomaru's next words.

"Then I will go with you."

Noro shook her head. "No, you'll garner too much attention with your pointy ears and tattoos. Don't worry, we'll be back by dark."

The silence was deafening, and though Noros tone brooked no argument. Rin was almost certain that the demon lord would rather risk Noros wrath. To her surprise, Sesshomaru seceded with a slight nod, and stepped back, allowing the woman to go and retrieve her purse from A-Uns saddlebags.

"Alright Rin, lets go shopping! Who knows, maybe we'll find a nice looking kimono for you. I may not much money, but you need some new outfits."

Rin wordlessly followed the woman towards the village.


Shout out to AshWolves !!!

They have voted on every single one of my chapters! Thanks a bunch! I hope that you enjoy the story!


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