Chapter 27

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It was decided that they would part ways with Kagomes group the next morning, taking the night to recuperate their strength. Sesshomaru didn't say anything when Noro told him, so she had assumed that he was fine with the arrangement, but he didn't say word all night, and kept his distance from the others, especially Inuyasha.

Noro thought that perhaps he had something on his mind, and after everyone went to sleep, she approached him, asking lightly, "hey, are you doing ok?"

"This Sesshomaru is in perfect health," came the apathetic reply.

Noro shook her head with a smile. "Sesshomaru, I wasn't asking about your health. I want to know what you've been stewing about over here for the past couple of hours."

"A human like you cannot possibly comprehend the working of my mind," he reminded. "But, if you insist on annoying me with your chatter, I will humor you."

Noro shut her mouth and sat down by the dog demon, waiting for him to speak. turned his eyes on her.

"I agitated."



Noro blinked, and she gestured to herself disbelievingly. "Me."

The demon lord shifted. "Yes. You agitate me."

"I was agitated when you challenged my authority yesterday, when you left, and you plagued my thoughts thereafter. Even now, you've infected my mind."

Noros heart skipped a beat as the dai-yokai continued to stare at her. Her mouth opened and closed like a fishes before she stammered out, "I'm sorry?"

Sesshomaru tilted his head, and a few locks of his silver hair fell to the side. His yellow eyes narrowed. "Have you done something to me," he nearly hissed.

"No, not on purpose I swear," she answered quickly. "But- maybe you were worried about me?"

In an instant, every trace of emotion bled out of the demon lords face, and he leaned back.

"Ridiculous," he said. "I am a demon, I worry for no one. You must have done something. A spell perhaps."

Noro closed her eyes and shook her head. "No, and you know that I do not have any magic powers. Any thoughts that you have are only your own."

Sesshomaru harrumphed, and turned away from Noro quickly. The woman got the sense that he felt vulnerable, and wouldn't speak to her any more about it that night. She put a hand on her heart, feeling it slow down beat by beat. She sighed and glanced at his back.

The demon looked so confused and disbelieving when she had suggested that he worried about her. It was as if he'd never considered it, and lashed out at the possibility. It was possible that he'd never had a kind thought about anyone before. Noro shook her head.

Sesshomaru was massively egotistical, and appeared to suffer from an advanced case of emotional constipation that transformed his heart into stone. He was the kind of demon that could rip apart mountains and level armies. He wasn't good, and he didn't want to be good either.

Noros heart must have been beating fast out of fear.


Hello y'all!

I've been keeping tabs on how many reads this story gets, and it looks like I lost half of my reads between Chapters 24 and 25. Any idea why? I love getting feedback from my audience!


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