Chapter 71

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"You can't kill me that easily!"

Shocked by the sudden assault, Naraku jerked backwards, wincing as his various appendages turned to ash. As soon as he saw the woman, he scowled, and more tentacles crept out from his body, waving erratically as they whipped and split apart. He glared over at the female, a drop of sweat barely noticeable on her cheek.

Noro grinned at the half demon's unease, and made a show of holding her swords up, preparing to launch another attack.

"That's right," she said smugly, "You haven't seen my new weapons, the Hiruto Yoru, yet. Allow me to introduce you to them!" She launched another attack at the spider demon, forcing him backwards.

Sesshomaru, who had dodged her previous attack, watched the display without expression, while Kagome and the others down below watched with awe.

The woman seemed radiant. Her hair whipped about her as she sat proudly on Entei, and her swords shone like sunlight in her hands, the gleam from which igniting her eyes with fiery red glow, like a raging wildfire. She smiled savagely.

"What, don't have the strength to kill me now," she asked mockingly as she laid down blow after blow onto Naraku's barrier, gradually forcing the spider backwards further and further. "Or are you going to try to take over my mind again!"

Then Naraku launched a counterattack, flinging tentacles after Noro, forcing her to retreat. Entei dodged Naraku's tentacles with an unnatural speed as the spider demon fought to gain some respite from the woman.

"Bastard," Noro called out as she flew around, dodging his tentacles. The half demon was keeping her so occupied that she couldn't use her initial attack again, the one that incinerated his miasma. And it was building up again.

"Fly higher Entei," she told her steed. "If you breathe in any more of this poison, you might die."

As the fire demon complied, Noro glanced down at her friends inside the open chest of Sesshomaru's father. She hoped they would be ok.

Then something glinted, and Noro watched as Inuyasha unleashed his wind Scar. But it was different. Dozens of adamant crystals streaked through the air and right through Naraku's barrier, shredding it to pieces, and penetrating the spider demon so that he looked like a very sad porcupine.

"Oh," Noro gasped, pleasantly surprised by the new attack. Inuyasha must've succeeded in getting the crystal demon's power. "That's nifty." Entei nickered.

It was at this moment that Sesshomaru decided to step in.

"That is your weakness Naraku," he said coolly, drawing closer as he watched the half demon struggle for breath. "You're too arrogant, and that will be your downfall."

'Hypocrite,' Noro thought dryly, a wry look crossing her face as she had Entei fly down. She watched as the demon lord raised his sword towards Naraku.

"And now that you are no longer hiding behind that barrier, I can deliver the ending blow!"

He swung, and the electric blue glare of his Dragons Strike flashed, whipping towards Naraku. It careened into the half demon and he split apart, even his head being cloven in two. But it was not over.

The parts of the hateful half demon began to smear and morph into an undulating spiral. Just as all the times before, he was leaving. But he still had the prize. The sacred jewel shard.

"Go!" Noro heard Kagome's voice call out, and suddenly a painfully bright light struck the remains of Naraku's flesh. Her sacred arrow. It exploded into a blinding light that snapped and cracked with holy energy. But it wasn't just Kagome's. Noro could sense Kikyo's aura as well. But was it enough?

Both Naraku and the arrow disappeared entirely, and as light returned to the area, a single shard dropped down, landing in Kagome's hands.

It wasn't over yet it seemed, but at the very least, they had won this round.


My apologies everyone for the late update. Spring break was last week, but that actually made it more difficult (though not impossible) to upload, as I usually write and update from the computers at my college. I am also in the middle of getting a new job, and a few days ago my idiot little brother nearly died because of a toothache. (He had a tooth that he didn't realize was infected and got blood poisoning.)


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