Chapter 5: What the Fallout!?

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Log 1

I think we were zapped back to the very early days of our history and fan fiction. We saw 3 engines in a shed near us, they were early versions of Edward, Gordon, and Henry, the early Edward said who we are and how we got here, we told them a lightning breach is destructing mayhem in the multiverse. Suddenly another version of Thomas arrived, but he wasn't the E2 class we know, he was J50 tank engine. A engine that's extinct by now. This universes Thomas was always a J50, and stayed that way. But suddenly, the lightning came back, and early Henry, in early Henry fashion, hid in the sheds until the lightning went away. The lightning zapped us, but it didn't teleport us, guess the lightning wasn't strong enough. We soon noticed a lightning bolt scar on Thomas' forehead. How did he get that!? Then the lightning struck us again, and we were teleported to another universe, it was nighttime and quiet, so I thought we were fine. Then out of nowhere, lasers began to shoot down on us! We sped Thomas' limits down the line, we then saw Gordon pass us, with D261 following, the lasers got up to him and he exploded! We raced down the line the other way instead, Gordon quickly followed. We then saw Percy off the rails with a passenger train, Gordon pushed him down the line and didn't stop. But then, Percy was struck by lightning, and Gordon sped up! We followed him until the lightning came back and zapped us one again. We landed in a VHS tape of universe again we saw Percy up the line with a workmen saying Thomas has gone missing, Percy went out to look for him, and then we came up to see the doors of Ironworks closing. The workmen was surprised that we were, but he noticed something odd though, Thomas had a lightning bolt on him. We then heard loud chainsaw noises coming from the Smelters, and then loud screaming, that hurt my ears for god sake! Then the noise stopped and one final scream was let out from who ever was inside there, but when we went in, that was the worst choice I made in my life. It was Percy, and his face was completely ripped off of his smokebox, and then we saw his eyes on and grabber machine with blood on them. That thing was killing machine! We left regretting our actions, the lightning back and teleported us, we happy about this for once actually. We got teleported back to our world and the lightning was still striking hard, we raced back to Tidmouth Sheds crying about what we just saw, that Percy, that! Percy! Deserved better. At least his day can't get any worse. Then, the light struck us again, we got teleported to peaceful land, so I thought we were Ok this time. But then we heard sirens, and an explosion occurred near Gordon's Hill, we reversed down the line, passing Donald who was apparently pulling a slow goods train going forward. We then saw Edward in the distance racing down the line with a passenger train, we passed Crosby and that's when a humongous shock wave, and Jesus, it was strong. It caused Edward and us rock side to side, Edward front pony truck derailed and his glass shattered during the shockwave, but those things didn't stop us. 

Log 2

We stopped at carriage shed at Elsbridge to rest and think for a moment, Edward puffed up as well, with 2 drivers. Charlie and Sidney. We explained ways on how this happened, we checked if everyone Ok and everyone was, we'll leave in a few hours.

Log 3

We arrived at Knapford and decided to rest here for a while. The entirety of Brendam got hit by the blast, Charlie hoped Lenoard got out alive, but that's only a slim chance. 

Log 4

We woke up seeing people force there way in to McBunn to get something to eat, we heard screaming coming in office, and we made sure we covered the windows up with more protection in case another explosion happened, I really hope there okay. Charlie and I talked for a bit on what's happening, we told him we were from another universe, and the was multiverse breach on our hands, but before I could say anything else, we heard the whistle of an engine coming from the distance. It was James, and was furious and angry, he was talking to himself about something, but apparently, James couldn't get his last few coaches coupled up, and left lots people behind before the blast hit them. James definitely saw something the rest of us didn't.

Log 5

After laying in the station for a while, we decided to the Vicarstown Bridge to get off the island, instead of finding more survivors, as we raced down the line, Edward had to stop for water, but James passed, hoping they could get to the mainland, but they when down the wrong line to Suddey, we haven't seen them since. We decided to stay at Wellsworth for a bit until we could figure out a plan, but then we suddenly got news from Jem Cole about Trevor, during the blast he and his family him in a fallout bunker, they were safe, but Trevor wasn't, he was hit hard. Jem Cole couldn't keep him like this, and put him out him his misery, Edward broke down in tears when he heard the news. We told stories about Trevor until fell asleep, for me, I just hope the nightmare ends soon.

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