Meeting His Majesty

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7:00 a.m.

Zwarfe, Estenia

Prince Liam's POV

Ugh! I hate days like this!

For the past few days, I have been so entirely busy (as is expected when being the ruler of this country). However, because of my ever-increasing number of duties to perform, I have not been able to sneak out and visit my love recently. Well... 'visit' is stretching it a bit. More like, 'watch her from afar and never really go near her', but I still know that she is mine and mine alone.

Today, I am tasked with judging those who have committed crimes this month. I always do this at the end of each month, and, though I hate to miss time with my beloved, I would never give up the opportunity to watch a man squirm right before I sentence him to death. And sometimes, if I'm feeling down, I'll just execute them myself to try and cheer up. It usually works, and then, I end up killing the rest of the criminals. Speaking of which... I am in quite the bitter mood today.

I chuckle darkly and signal the guards by the door to send in the first criminal. It is an old man. He is very skinny, and his face is coated in dark stubble to match his greasy raven hair.

The guard reads off his sentence. "Ambro Faylon: charged with a triple homicide and arson."

He has barely finished reading the sentence before I slice the man's head clean off his shoulders. It falls to the floor with a thud. I watch as his body falls right after, blood spilling out of the top of his neck. My boots squelch loudly as I walk in his blood, but I don't care. All I can feel right now is a rush of energy and some large amount of giddiness.

"Guards!" They look up from the dead body to stare at me in fear. I smirk at this before calling out, "Bring in the rest of the criminals!"

I stand there as they drag in the ruffians, each one's face paling as they take in the sight before them. I walk up to the first one in line and nod to the guard behind him.

The guard begins to read, "Mason Thurnbridge: attempted theft of the crown jewels."

I let the guard finish and turn to the man. "Hold out your hand."

His eyes widen in surprise as he holds out his hand, probably thinking that I might chop it off and let him on his way.

If only he knew.

I take out my sword, and he closes his eyes, waiting for it to come down on his hand.

But it never does. He slowly opens his eyes only to find my dagger outside his left one. I quickly stab it. Pulling out my dagger, I watch him blindly stumble backwards, clutching his eye. I slice outward with my dagger, chopping off the hand holding his injured eye. He screams loudly, and I can only listen in pure glee to the beautiful sound.

Lord. It'll take so long to do this with every inmate.

Then, an idea comes to me. My face twists into a cruel smirk.

"Guards!" I turn to them. "Leave the room!" They start to walk out, dragging their prisoners with them, but I cut them off. "Alone," I finish.

They all leave their person and exit the room, locking the doors behind them. I turn to all the prisoners and smirk before simply saying, "Run."


A mere two minutes earlier

Y/n's POV

I watch in horror as the prince stabs the first criminal and then slices his hand straight off. I almost hurl at the sight; some of the rest of us actually do. My hearts is pounding in my ears, and I watch, confused, as all of the guards exit the room calmly. I focus my hearing on the prince. All is silent for a few moments before I hear one word.


I stand paralyzed for a moment, but when I see him cut off someone's head, I force myself to run, like a mouse from a cat. I whip my head around wildly as I run, trying to find somewhere to go. My eyes manage to land on a large curtain hanging at one of the windows. I rush over to the curtain and look up. It rises ten or twenty feet above my head and is very thick which gives me the option to climb should the prince find my hiding spot.

I sit there staring for a moment before I see another body fall in my peripheral vision. I quickly duck behind the large curtain and hold a hand on my chest, trying to calm my racing heart. I cover my ears, not being able to stand the sound of so many deaths.

I wait there for what feels like hours though it was but mere minutes. I slowly uncover my eyes: the only sound, a ringing silence. I listen for any sort of noise and, upon not hearing anything, step out of the curtain only to be met with a sword to my face.

"Found yo-"

I look up when I hear the prince cut off and find him staring at me in shock. I'm tempted to flee, but I have a feeling that that would lead to my early demise.

"Y-your Majesty?" I manage to stutter out, praying to whatever gods exist that he allows me to keep my life.

He sighs in delight which confuses me more. "Yes?" he asks breathily.

"A-are you going to kill me?" I squeak out.

This appears to wake him up, and he stares at me quizzically before glancing around us. Then, he begins laughing. "K... kill you?" he laughs out.

Glancing back to the prince, I notice he has stopped laughing. Instead, he is warmly smiling at me. Or at least, I think it's a warm smile. I can't tell behind all the blood on his face.

I look at my feet to avoid looking at all the gore but gaze back up when he begins talking. "I would never dream of killing you, my dear. Not in a million years." He reaches up to caress my face, but I back away.

I make the mistake of looking at the carnage around us, and I begin to feel sick. Dead bodies lie everywhere: most with their heads cut off, some simply with their throats split, and yet some others who are the worst. They are bloody, and their skin is flayed, a shredded mess barely hanging onto their muscles beneath. It's too much, so I turn to the side and vomit all over the marble floor.

I clutch my side, feeling sick after vomiting up the rest of my breakfast from yesterday.

The prince then begins to speak again. "You shouldn't have backed away. See, this is where you are left without me. Now, let's get you out of here."

He reaches for my arm, but I back up again. His brow furrows, and annoyance starts to show through his calm expression. "I said, let's go. Now, come on," he growls out.

His face scares me, and I am petrified as he reaches and grabs my arms. He starts to drag me out of the throne room, and as I glance around at the bodies once more, everything begins to go numb. My vision slowly fades out, and the last thing I hear makes me shiver in fear.

"Sleep well, my darling wife."

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