First Interaction

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Just letting you guys know: this chapter goes from zero to a hundred real fast. Like so much that I had to change the trigger warnings in my description. Just thought I'd make it known. I know it probably won't be the worst any of you have read; it just escalates quickly.

Also, italics are both thoughts and memories. There really isn't a differentiation. Just try to use context to figure it out.

8:00 a.m.

Zwarfe, Estenia

(Y/n)'s POV

It's been two weeks since I came here.

I was given my own room, one fit for someone of high noble descent. I am given three meals a day, all much larger than those I could have had at home.

But despite how well off I am, I worry for my family. Matthew and Amelia, my younger siblings, are barely five, and my mother is disabled and stuck in a rocking chair all day. She manages to take care of the kids and somehow cook, but I pay for the food. Without me there, I'm not sure how they're getting by.

In any case, I should probably stop worrying since I have to wake up now.

I blink my eyes open to see a maid, shaking my shoulder. 

Seeing who it is, I smile at the face of my lovely girlfriend. I remember the second day I came here when I met her for the first time...

"Miss, it's time to get up."

I lean up slowly blinking my eyes and trying to rub the sleep out of them. Looking over at the maid, I ask, "Is this hell? Or some sort of strange dream, and I'm actually in a cell right now?"

She giggles softly at my question. "Of course not, silly."

I'm awake now, and I fully take in her features. She has a small face, skinny but not skeletal. Her plump, pink lips seem to call to me. Trailing my eyes lower, I can see a bit of cleavage sticking out from her uniform; she obviously has a chest and, from the looks of it, a nice ass as well.

I bit my lip and smirk at her. "Are you sure I'm not in hell? Cause you look hotter than a succubus right now."

(I'm sorry, guys. I don't know how to flirt lol. Just hang with me.)

She blushes and saunters towards me. "Do I?" I feel my breath catch as she comes closer and closer before stopping right in front of me.

I look up at her and blush slightly. Her lips just look so incredibly tempting. My vision is blinded by lust, and all I can feel is the urge to kiss her. But my mother raised me well, so I ask, "Do I have your permission to kiss you?" My voice comes out slightly husky.

(Consent is sexy. Take notes children...

Definitely not gonna go against this later in the book.)

She nods, and I grab her waist before pulling her down to the bed with me in a passionate kiss. 

I squeeze her ass, and she gasps, opening her mouth and allowing me to shove my tongue in. However, I wasn't expect her to flip us over and dominate the kiss, but I'll never complain.

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