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Sorry that it took so long. I've been putting this off for a while, but I'm finally back.

"You won't whip me if I help you?"

"No, dear."

"In that case, I'll..."

I stop to think. Can I really do this? I mean, I haven't exactly had time to go around sucking guys' dicks all my life. How am I even supposed to do it? 

(Not the author regretting all her life choices)

Like, it's different with girls. You would think with how confident I seem around women that I've done stuff like this before, but it's different. With women, I flirted as a part of my job, and it never went any further than kissing. The last time I even interacted with a male in any sort of romantic way, I was probably about 11 years old. I just don't have time for romance anymore: not now that I'm providing for my family.

It doesn't matter; I have to do this anyway.

"I'll help you," I state. 

His devilish smirk causes me to quickly regret my decision, but it's too late to go back now.

Plus, this was the smarter choice, I remind myself.

"Well, then, my love." He reaches out for my hand in a slight bow, as though he were simply asking me to dance. "Shall we be going?"

I take a few deep breaths before slightly nodding my head. 

The prince grabs my hand, but as we are about to walk, he pulls me to his chest and kisses me.

I start to struggle before freezing and trying to melt into his touch. I'll need as many points as I can get in order to avoid any physical punishment.

He breaks away from the kiss and smirks at me. "Smart girl," he comments, as though knowing what was happening in my head.

He leads me to his room (him prancing down the hallway joyfully), and I follow like the husk of a human being that I currently am.

As we reach the prince's room, my heart starts to beat out of my chest, and my blood rushes through my ears. I try and take a few deeps breaths to calm down.

I look over to see that the prince is also breathing very deeply as well. I send him a confused glance.

He just smirks at me, again. I'm quickly tiring of that incessant smirk.

The prince opens his room and guides me inside. He sits down on his extremely soft looking bed.

I move to sit as well, but he holds up a hand. I look at him, confused, and he sends me yet another smirk. "I take it you've never done this before."

I'm so tired of his stupid smirks that I just fucking snap at him. "No, because, unlike you, I'm not a whore!"

His smirk drops, and he stares at me blankly. His hand quickly reaches out to grab the collar of my (f/c) shirt, and he smashes his lips against mine. Roughly pulling away after a few seconds, he growls, "Say something like that again, and I'll make your life a living hell."

"It already is, jackass!"

... is what I want to say, but he's fucking terrifying. So I settle for a small nod.

"Good," he states. The prince shoves me backwards, and I fall to the ground.

"What the hell was that fo-?!"

"Hush. You're supposed to be down there," he explains. "And don't curse at me again, or I'll double your punishment!"

I quickly shut up and look at him expectantly.

He pulls down his breeches, and his erect cock pops out.

I immediately cover my eyes and turn away.

I wanna bleach my eyes.

Sadly for me, bleach doesn't exist in this world.

I hear the prince chuckle at my reaction. "Aw, you're so shy," he coos before his voice gets darker and seems to drop an octave. "Sadly, I've no time for your modesty. Suck it."

I flinch at his deep voice and slowly open my eyes. I squint them almost all the way shut; my vision blurs, and I can barely see anything.

Thank God.

I reach out my right hand and softly wrap it around his shaft. I hear his breathing start to quicken.

I grimace at the soft fleshy feeling and start to slowly run my hand up and down him.

"Your lips! Now!" he says darkly. But then, he groans and ends his statement with a small please.

I cringe in disgust and gently lean, lightly kissing the tip. I keep my hand moving and wrap my lips around him, just barely swirling my tongue around his quickly hardening cock.

He wraps his hands in my hair, pulling slightly and moving me further along his dick.

I start to bob my head up and down, slowly at first but then much faster.

He starts to buck his hips, causing me to choke as I'm forced to take in his whole length. He keeps roughly bobbing me up and down until, soon, my mouth is filled with the salty white liquid that is his semen.

He pulls out of my mouth and sighs in satisfaction.

I go to spit out his cum, but he quickly yanks on my hair. "Swallow," he growls.

Scared, I quickly swallow the bitter liquid.

He lets go of my hair and leans back on the bed, exhausted.

It's all I can do not to sob loudly; instead, I quietly weep in regret and realization of what I just did.

After a while, His Majesty sits up and glances down at me lovingly. "Get up," he commands. "Go rest in your room. I'll have a maid send some honey and (favorite/tea) for your throat."

I nod my head slowly as though in a haze and stand. 

I turn to walk out, but I hear him cough behind me.

"Ahem, are you forgetting something?"

I look back, and he's pointing at his lips. I sigh before striding back over to him and pecking them softly.

I quickly exit the room and maintain a calm facade until reaching my current quarters. When I get there, I shut the door and crash onto the bed to cry.

I don't even wait for the maid with the tea, nor do I change my outfit.

As I, for the second night in a row, cry myself to sleep.

Oh my god, guys! You have no idea how hard it was to write this chapter! Sorry if it wasn't good, this was my first time writing something like this. Anyway, I thank you for being here and reading this book! Stay tuned! :D

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