A (Not So) Lovely Day

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God, I can't believe it's already been five and a half months. It doesn't seem like that long, but I know how long it can seem as a reader. Sorry about how long it's taken. I've just been awfully busy and am in a constant state of writer's block. But hopefully, that'll end over the summer.

8:00 a.m.

Zwarfe, Estenia

I awake to someone shaking my shoulder. I just grumble and roll to the other side. There's no point in waking up if it's not Melody.

"Y/n," I hear. "You need to wake up."

That's weird. That voice almost sounds like...

I turn over to see the wonderful guard I met yesterday. 

"Max?" I yawn. "What are you doing here?"

"The prince ordered me to wake you," he replies.

"Oh? Why didn't he have a maid do that?" I ask, leaning up and brushing out some of the knots in my (h/l) (h/c) hair.

"He also told me not to let you near any women."

I smirk at that.

Max suspiciously looks at me whilst smiling. "Any reason for that?"

"Aside from the fact that when I first got arrested, I was flirting with his cousin and the fact that I pulled one of his maids? Nope, none at all," I answer with a bright smile.

He chuckles at me. "Oh to be young again."

"What can I say? I'm just that hot." I dramatically flip my hair.

(Y/n got that ultimate rizz.)

He snickers. "You know, I want to be mad and over-protective with you dating, but I'm more worried about what those girls' fathers will do to you."

I giggle with him for a moment before the thought of Melody brings a frown to my face.

Max notices and sighs. He sits down and pats the bed next to him. "Talk to me."

I glance over with caution before leaning up more and swinging around to sit there.

We sit in silence for a moment before I sigh, resting my head against his shoulder.

"Do you remember when you dropped me off at my room yesterday?" I ask him quietly.


"Well, inside my room, my then girlfriend was waiting for me. She was crying, so I rushed over to find out what was the matter. She said she had found out about me being the prince's fiancée and wanted to break up. Then, she just... left. J-just like that. I- I miss her so mu-" I cut off, sobbing.

Maxwell pulls me in for a hug and begins to slowly rub my back in circles. "Sh... it's okay... let it all out..."

I let the remainder of my cries slip out before pulling away and wiping my tears with a sad smile. "Thank you... I'm sure I'll get over her soon... it's just hitting me hard: she was my only light in this godforsaken place."

"I understand," he replies, nodding empathetically.

I finish wiping my tears and paste on a bright smile that probably still looks quite sad. "But in the meantime, I can hang out with you!"

He chuckles. "Yes, you can."


"So what would you like to do, little one?" he asks.

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