Chapter 2: The Plate of Zombering

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In the Island of Magic, Huey is training on how to use the Plate of Zombering to kill the Zombie Bears. Then, Marcus comes in to congratulate him so far in his training

Marcus: Well done, Hubert. Your training is paying off so far.

Huey: Thanks your highness.

Then, Violet comes in to see Huey

Huey: Oh, hey Vi.

Violet: Hey Hubert. I just came here to see how your doing.

Huey: I'm doing quite well. I'm still trying to learn how to master this thing so we could stop those zombies from freeing their master.

Violet: You got this in the bag.

Huey: I appreciate your support Violet, it really means a lot to me.

Donald: Is everything okay here?

Huey: (embarrassed) Uncle Donald! This is a private moment!

Donald: Sorry.

Marcus: Man, he really is a father figure if he embarrasses you.

The four all share a laugh

Donald: Hey...

Daisy: Hey Donald! Can you help me over here!

Donald: Coming Daisy.

Once Donald left the room

Violet: Well, I gotta go.

Violet kisses Huey's cheek before leaving. Meanwhile, back in DuckBurg, the Zombie Bears were coming to the water to swim over to the Island of Magic. With Scrooge and Webby watching

Webby: Do you see that?

Scrooge: You don't think those bears are going to the Island of Magic, do you?

Scrooge and Webby gaps as they head over to Della

Della: Everything okay?

Once Scrooge explains everything, they all head off on the plane with along with Dewey, Louie and Lena

Lena: So wait, you guys assume that the Zombie Bears we're heading over to the Island of Magic?

Scrooge: Don't know, not taking any risks.

Back at the Island of Magic, Huey was still trying to master the Plate of Zombering with Marcus trying to teach him

Marcus: Now remember, just slow and steady.

Huey uses the plates powers on the set of rocks

Marcus: Amazing!

Chancellor: Sire!

Marcus: Chancellor? Huey, meet Arkous, my Chancellor.

Huey: Hello.

Arkous: Nice to meet you kid. Anyway, General Matious just stopped a couple of Zombie Bears heading this way.

Marcus: Oh no.

Huey: What do we do?

Marcus: We gotta use that plate!

Huey: But it haven't even mastered it yet!

Marcus: We have to try!

Huey: But shouldn't we learn how to master it first?

Marcus: Don't worry, I'll help you.

Huey: Okay...

Then, it cuts to where Huey was going to get some armor on

Violet: I wish you guys good luck.

Huey: Thanks Vi, though I'm not so sure about this.

Violet: You got this! Remember your training!

Huey: Thanks!

Meanwhile, the Zombie Bears were just coming to attack the Island of Magic

Huey: Oh no.

Marcus: Now remember, Raise your plate high in the air.

Huey: Okay...

Marcus: Now... slowly... GO!!!

Huey uses the Plate of Zombering to attack the Zombie Bears. But this causes them to attach attention

Marcus: Oh no...

Huey: Don't worry, I'll handle them! Just stay here!

Huey goes in to distract the Plate of Zombering

Violet: Hubert!! B.O.Y.D., c'mon, we gotta help them!!

Violet goes on B.O.Y.D.'s back as they follow Huey

Huey: C'mon guys! You won't be able to get this Plate of Zombering

But Huey then realized that he reached a dead end

Huey: Aw, phooey!

Huey then puts the plate up high but nothing seems to work

Huey: Huh? Wait, why isn't this working?

Huey then shakes to get it to work. But nothing is working

Huey: What do I do!?

Violet: (from the sky) Huey!!

Huey: Violet?

B.O.Y.D.: Let help.

Huey grabs Violets hand as they fly even higher so the sun can touch the Plate and it kills all of the Zombie Bears. Once the Bears were killed, every then cheer after they were kills.

Huey: Whew... thanks guys...

Violet: Let's get down.

Once they got down, Marcus comes down to see if they're okay

Marcus: You guys okay?

Huey: We're fine.

Violet: I think my tail must have gotten a little burned.

Huey: Sorry about that.

Violet: Oh, don't worry about me. You just saved the town from a hostile invasion.

Scrooge: Don't worry guys, we're here.

Huey: Uncle Scrooge? What are you guys doing here?

Scrooge: Oh... uh... the Bears are gone?

Violet: We took care of it.

Scrooge: Oh... sorry.

Marcus: Well, you gave them a quick ride home.

Scrooge: So you must be the Emperor of this fantasy land, I'm Scrooge McDuck.

Marcus: So your the Richest Duck in the World, impressive. Even I'm not rich as you are. Believe me, you should've seen my loot. I had many unnecessary spendings there.

Scrooge: Really? I wonder how Bradford would feel.

Everyone laughs. In the shadows, someone is spying on the Duck Family

Lord Tark: Well... looks like we have a challenge... eh??

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