Chapter 11: Almost There...

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In McDuck Manor, everyone felt very worried about Huey after he left for the Island of Magic

Della: Why didn't you say anything? 

Scrooge: I needed to keep you guys safe. 

Louie: By lying to us again!? That was a real "good" move on your part! 

Dewey: Hey, take it easy everyone. I mean, he was clearly doing that right thing. 

Launchpad: Well, at least his girlfriend is with him. 

Della: Yeah, but King Firydon is after him! 

Scrooge: We need to do something! 

Donald: So what do we do? 

Scrooge: You are gonna go to the Evil Realm. 

Donald: Why? Was it because I asked? 

Scrooge: No, because you are very temperamental.

Donald: Oh...

Louie: Ha! Should've kept your mouth shut, eh? 

Scrooge: And take Louie with you. 

Louie: What? Was it because I--

Scrooge: Yes. 

Louie: (groans)

Donald: C'mon Louie...

Donald and Louie leave the room

Della: Well, what do we do? 

Scrooge: We're gonna do everything we can to protect DuckBurg. But someone has to find Huey? 

Della: I'll go! 

Scrooge: It's gonna be dangerous Della. 

Della: Danger? Ha! I laugh at the face of danger! Ha ha ha! 

Dewey: I'll come too. 

Scrooge: Very well, just don't get yourselves hurt. 

Della and Dewey leave the room as well. Meanwhile, Huey and Violet were on a boat heading to the Island of Magic

Huey: Okay Vi, are you ready? 

Violet: I'm ready. 

Huey: Good, we only have a few days, we need to stop King Firydon very soon. 

Violet: Huey, this tiger is even more dangerous than Bradford, Lunaris, Tim, or possibly any other villain we've seen before. 

Huey: I know... but life taught me that I need to make sacrifices for people I care about. I need to make sure your safe too. 

Violet: Very well. 

Violet kisses Huey's cheek. Once they arrived at the Island

Huey: We made it! C'mon Vi. 

Once Huey and Violet got off the ship and onto the island

Huey: C'mon, we gotta go find the emperor. 

Violet: Right! 

Huey and Violet the head into town and sees that everyone is closing all their shops

Huey: Wow, what's going on here? 

Violet: Is everyone closing up shop? 

Huey: Looks like it, we should get to the Emperor's castle right away. 

Violet: Right! 

Flintheart Glomgold: Oh... I don't think that's gonna happen. 

Huey: Glomgold? 

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