Chapter 6: The Dark Realm

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In the Evil Realm, King Firydon was about to host a meeting with his crew in the Evil Realm

King Firydon: Welcome everyone, to the meeting of Evil...

Glomgold: What's this about? 

King Firydon: Just so you guys know... we're be taking the world in about a month. So I'd like you all to get prepared for this. 

Ma Beagle: So how are we gonna be doing this exactly? 

King Firydon: Spirts from the Shadow Realm may appear. Soon, Scrooge McDuck and his family will be gone! 

Glomgold: YES!!! And I'll be able to dance on his coffin! 

King Firydon: We all will be doing it. A lot of treasure in the world will be ours too you know. Anyway, this attack will run across over the world. We will hit over Duckburg, St. Canard, Mousevile, all over the entire world!

Lord Tark: So where will this apocalypse take place in? 

King Firydon: Good question, let's see... how about the Island of Magic! We'll finally regain full control over that place! 

Everyone cheers 

King Firydon: Now if you excuse me, I need to be somewhere a little private. 

King Firydon leaves the room and into his throne and what's under it has a secret passageway. Once he heads down there

King Firydon: They have no idea on my real plan for them... soon, I'll finally gain control all over this Duck World and soon... everyone will bow down to me! 

King Firydon looks at his photo of Jack Bellen and gets a flashback from the year 1887:

Jack Bellen: It's all over Firydon! Let this stop now!

King Firydon: Sorry you majesty! But the Island of Magic but me destroyed for all it's magical resources and to destroy every single world out this! Zombie Bears! Attack!!

Jack Bellen: Alright, let's party! 

King Firydon's Zombie Bears run up to attack Jack Bellen and his guards. While Jack Bellen's guards fight the Zombie Bears, Jack heads over to the king to get the Plate of Zombering

General: Get the Plate sir, we got this! 

King Firydon: We'll see about this! 

Once Jack reaches on top of the Tiger

King Firydon: Hello Jack! 

Jack Bellen: It's time to end this Firydon! 

Jack takes the plate from his neck and then sends all of the Zombie Bears away and King Firydon to the Dark Realm

Jack Bellen: Don't worry guys, we're safe now. 

General: Well, you think he's gonna return? 

Jack Bellen: We'll make sure this will never happen. If it does, bring this plate somewhere where no one will ever find it. And lock up that Portal Door as well. Who know what will happen if we keep using it till now. 

General: Yes sir! 

Flashback ends

King Firydon: And now... the Portal is back. And I'll finally be able to control everything once again! (laughs evilly)

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